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A repository with 3 tools for pwn'ing websites with .git repositories available
An extension for checking if .git is exposed in visited websites
Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts
This repository contains list of resources to aid your journey of mastering Ethereum Virtual Machine. If you find any resource missing, you can create a pull request and be a contributor of the pro…
This repository contains a mindmap and stepwise resource to get started with Smart Contract Auditing. If you find anything missing or want to update existing resources, feel free to create a pull r…
GF Paterns For (ssrf,RCE,Lfi,sqli,ssti,idor,url redirection,debug_logic, interesting Subs) parameters grep
Not so awesome Web3 Security Reasearcher roadmap by tpiliposian
Enumerate the permissions associated with AWS credential set
Automatic SSRF fuzzer and exploitation tool
Self-hosted bug bounty programs that are "scammy" or unethical
Keyhacks is a repository which shows quick ways in which API keys leaked by a bug bounty program can be checked to see if they're valid.
Fetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl.
🚀 XSSFUZZ - A tool for detecting XSS vulnerabilities in web applications.
List of regex for scraping secret API keys and juicy information.
Working Bitcoin Clipper malware made in Python as a proof of concept.
🔎 Find origin servers of websites behind CloudFlare by using Internet-wide scan data from Censys.
fuzzuli is a url fuzzing tool that aims to find critical backup files by creating a dynamic wordlist based on the domain.
This repository provides a comprehensive setup script for organizing bug bounty research. It creates a structured directory layout that includes sections for researcher information, programs, knowl…
Top disclosed reports from HackerOne
Burpsuite Extension to bypass 403 restricted directory
Porch Pirate is the most comprehensive Postman recon / OSINT client and framework that facilitates the automated discovery and exploitation of API endpoints and secrets committed to workspaces, col…
best tool for finding SQLi,CRLF,XSS,LFi,OpenRedirect
My custom created nuclei for SQLi, bugbounty, pentesting