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Converted from JS to C++ from
Simple multiplayer server-client architecture with health/damage replication -- proof of concept
Have you ever seen a dark This is a Browser extension that simply switches light themes into dark themes.
Chrome extension for obliterating the LinkedIn Feed
Cross-platform python scripts you should add to your system path. Useful for development and when using LLMs (copy all files to clipboard, etc.)
LiteLanguageModel is a simplified version of a large language model, developed with educational purposes in mind. It aims to provide insights into the inner workings of language processing using de…
NodeLite is an ultra-lightweight, highly modular Node.js-like runtime environment designed for building scalable server-side applications using JavaScript. It is intended for environments where mem…
TensorLite is a lightweight framework, inspired by TensorFlow's core principles, designed for minimalistic and rapid computational needs. This streamlined version provides the essentials for tensor…
C++ examples for the Vulkan graphics API
Unit Testing Framework (Mocking Library Included)
Data Structures & Algorithms explained + Problem solutions from CRLS, Cracking the Coding Interview, and Leetcode
A deep dive into Unreal Engine's architecture
📚 Freely available programming books
Facilitates setting up integration test suits with Unreal Engine 4 Gauntlet.
Sample code of the talk "Using Replication Graph For Optimizing Real-Time Strategy Games" at Unreal Fest Europe 2019.
C++ CMake visual studio project of different datastructures starting with a Binary Search Tree
All course materials for the Zero to Mastery Deep Learning with TensorFlow course.
Source code for Building and hosting an Unreal Engine 4 dedicated server with AWS and Docker.
GNU Libc - Extremely old repo used for research purposes years ago. Please do not rely on this repo.
MIT CS 6.042 opencourseware Fall 2010 problems + solutions
Facilitates accessing web services hosted on Amazon AWS using Unreal Engine 4.
My understanding of Unreal Engine 5's GameplayAbilitySystem plugin with a simple multiplayer sample project.