RD-Pass is a simple password manager application developed using the Kivy python framework. It uses a database to store the credential entries with AES encryption. This repo is built on the command-line version of RDPass. The command-line only version can be found under my repo ./Exercise_projects/RDPass.
RDPass dependencies:
- sqlite
- kivy
- kivymd
- py-bcrypt
- pycryptodome
Versions I used are listed in requirements.txt. Run this command to install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the app:
python kivy_rdpass.py
The password for the "general" testing database: "1234".
The databases and the configuration files are stored in ./db_storage and ./config_storage, respectively.
Add confirm delete message dialog before deleting entryAdd search bar and search function in the menu- Add a delete database function, currently database can be deleted directly from ./db_storage