I'm Jesús Mármol I've studied Information sciences & journalism but since my second year of university I've been learning about Software development.
- I'm a self taught programmer
- I'm interested in open source
- I am passionate about fantasy literature
- I'm into game development
“Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.”
A fullstack Java project. Composed by a desktop aplication that renders a Spain map with dinamyc pokemons over each city according to the weather forecast. A Spring API that delivers weather forecast and his associated pokemons. A React frontend web that exploit the API to order and paint the data
A weekend exercise that uses public information to obtain economic subsidy data in semi-private schools in the region of Murcia. With the data I use Ngx charts to show its temporal variation. Also list all the subsidies using Angular material. You can search, order, and filter the data. In adition you can see specific data as number of students, number of teachers and a more detailed view of the subsidy.
A practice exercise made with Angular while exploring RISP with the spanish transparency portal datos.gob.es. This app uses the API to get a list of natural places from Murcia. The using this data generate a beautifull view. I made it with angular material and primeNg, it uses Google Maps to show you the way to the place and display more specific info in fold-out cards
Once I learned and practise a lot the fronted I jump into the backend, this is a practice project made while learning to make fullstack aplications, it uses the MERN Stack, so I created and API with node & express to handle the client request, connected it to a database with MongoDb and mongoose, manage the context with react context and made the front and navigation with react. In this blog you can create an user, login and logout, create new posts, add images to those posts, edit and delete it...
This was a hard project because I want to provide something original, not just a cute portfolio with a few css animations so I made a minigame in which you can learn more about me, my studies & my knowledge. First I learn how to make this on canvas, then I learned how to create maps in tiled and how to render its in Javacript But render all the map constantly it's a waste of memory so then I learned how to optimize this rendering in order to render only the visible map and that this render react to the player moves, lastly I learned the basis of Phaser to manage beter performance and code the game in a scene based focus and add features like reading one of my favourites books inside the game
CDU is the special documental language in which librarians classify books (if you are from EEUU probably you use Dewey classification), one of the clasics homeworks in librarians studies is to get a bunch of numbers and sort them following the special order that reigns in CDU classification. This web is a help to correct those exercises
Every university students has fight with APA format, and usually has lose. Every of us has used web tools like cite this for me or zotero, I wanted to practise React so I make a (small version) of this webs using react!