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Lightweight, property-wrapper based Dependency Injection for Swift


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Fusion is a lightweight dependency injection library for Swift. It uses property wrappers to make injection a breeze so you can keep your code testable and modular in modern, Swifty style.

Why Use Dependency Injection?

"Dependency Injection" is a fancy phrase that refers to providing concrete implementations of abstract service types.

DI helps keep your code modular, testable and maintainable. It lets you define services in one place so that you may easily swap them for other implementations down the road or during tests.


Install with the Swift Package Manager.

.package(url: "", from: "0.4.0")

A Simple Intro: Logging

If you're familiar with dependency injection or would rather just see everything you can do with Fusion, feel free to skip to Usage.

Consider an example of using Fusion to make your code modular and testable.

Let's say that you are creating an app and would like to log all logs to a remote log store. You might create an abstract interface for the logger using a protocol.

protocol Logger {
    func log(_ text: String)

Next, create a concrete implementation that sends the logs to a remote store.

struct RemoteLogger: Logger {
    func log(_ text: String) { ... }

You can now "bind" this type to your app's main container. This just means your telling the container "when I ask for a Logger, give me a RemoteLogger".

Container.main.bind(to: Logger.self, value: RemoteLogger())

Note that for your convenience, you can just call bind and resolve as static functions on Container which will use the main container.

Container.bind(to: Logger.self, value: RemoteLogger())

Now, whenever you need to log something, just use the @Inject property wrapper to "inject" your service.

struct CreateAccountView: View {
    @Inject var logger: Logger


    func createAccount(for email: String) {
        logger.log("Creating an account for \(email).")

Simple. Your logs will be properly sent to your remote logger. But let's say you want to run unit tests that test creating a user account. You probably don't want to spam up your remote logger with a bunch of dummy logs. Instead it would make more sense just to log everything to the console so you can debug if necessary.

But this means that you'll need to provide a different instance of Logger everywhere you are using it, which could be hundreds of places. Fortunately, since you're using dependency injecion, this is a piece of cake.

First, create a new Logger that logs to the console. Then, at the beginning of a test or in the setup() function of the test case, bind a ConsoleLogger to Logger in your app's container.

struct ConsoleLogger: Logger { ... }

func testCreateAccount() {
    Container.bind(to: Logger.self, value: ConsoleLogger())

    let view = CreateAccountView()
    // run some test logic

Now, any calls to an @Injected Loggers during tests will be sent to ConsoleLogger instead of RemoteLogger and your remote log store will stay nice and tidy. This same pattern can be used to easily swap your production Logger out for a different implementation down the road such as a FileLogger or SlackLogger.


Now that you're up to speed on Dependency Injection and the basics of Fusion, here's everything it's API offers.

Services are bound to and resolved from Containers. Fusion comes with a main container, Container.main, but you can also create your own custom containers.


You can register or "bind" an instance to a type using the bind(value:) which takes a value or bind(factory:) which takes a closure.

Container.main.bind(to: Logger.self, value: RemoteLogger()) // A `RemoteLogger()` will be returned when resolving `Logger.self`.

Container.main.bind(to: Logger.self, factory: { container in
    return RemoteLogger()

You don't need to specify the type if it's the same as the argument for value.

Container.main.bind(value: "Hello, world!") // "Hello, world" will be returned when resolving `String.self`.

For convenience, there are static functions on Container that bind to Container.main.

// Equivalent to the functions above

Container.bind(to: Logger.self, value: RemoteLogger())

Container.bind(value: "Hello, world!")

Cross service dependencies

If you need to access a different dependency when resolving a dependency, use bind(factory:) and access the provided container parameter.

Container.bind(to: Database.self) { container in
    PostgresDatabase(logger: container.resolve(Logger.self))


By default, your services are transient, meaning they are resolved fresh each time they are injected. If you'd prefer the service to be resolved only once, you may specify so by passing .singleton as the first argument to bind().

// a transient service; factory called each time
Container.bind(value: UUID())
@Inject var uuid: UUID // 15dc5b79-774d-4ec9-a9c5-7cc8b31b7a4a
@Inject var uuid: UUID // 2b43da13-ca2e-4d83-ad19-9fb879afe522
@Inject var uuid: UUID // e4d120a4-58ce-4313-8709-1eba09165c57

// a singleton service; factory called once and the result is returned for all subsequent resolves
Container.bind(.singleton, value: UUID())
@Inject var uuid: UUID // 9b0a42e5-9205-4c98-8650-7010b7eaa401
@Inject var uuid: UUID // 9b0a42e5-9205-4c98-8650-7010b7eaa401
@Inject var uuid: UUID // 9b0a42e5-9205-4c98-8650-7010b7eaa401

Note the value in bind(value:) is marked as @autoclosure which is why the transient service returned a new value each time it was resolved.

If your service has dependencies, you can bind it as a singleton in the same way.

Container.bind(.singleton, to: JobQueue.self) { container in
    DatabaseQueue(database: container.resolve(Database.self))


Sometimes, you may have multiple factories of the same service. You can correlate each factory to an identifier by passing anything hashable to the id: parameter of bind().

Container.bind(id: "a", value: "foo")
Container.bind(id: "b", value: "bar")

You may then inject a specific instance by passing the identifier to @Inject.

@Inject("a") var first: String  // foo
@Inject("b") var second: String // bar


Once you bind a service, you may resolve it directly from the container or with the @Inject property wrapper. Note that @Inject force unwraps the injected value, and will crash if it isn't bound.

let log: Logger? = Container.resolve(Logger.self)

@Inject var log: Logger

Resolving with identifiers

If you bound your service to an identifier, you may inject that specific service by passing the identifier.

let log = Container.resolve(Logger.self, id: "slack")

@Inject("slack") var log: Logger

Assert resolving

Container.resolve() returns an optional type that will be nil if the service wasn't registered. If you'd prefer not to deal with an optional, you may call resolveAssert() which will return a value or end execution if the value isn't registered. Under the hood, this is what @Inject uses.

let log: Logger = Container.resolveAssert(Logger.self)

let slack: Logger = Container.resolveAssert(Logger.self, id: "slack")

Throwing resolving

Alternatively, you may use resolveThrowing() which returns a value or throws a FusionError.notRegistered if the service wasn't registered.

let log: Logger = try Container.resolveThrowing(Logger.self)

Advanced Container usage

In many cases, only using Container.default will be enough for what you're trying to do. There are some cases however, where you'd like to further modularize your code with custom containers.

Custom containers

You easily create and manage your own containers.

let myContainer = Container()
myContainer.register(value: "Hello from my container!")

let string = myContainer.resolve(String.self) // "Hello from my container!"

Child containers

You can give a container a "parent" container. This means that if the child container doesn't have a service type bound to it, resolving it will attempt to resolve the service from the parent container.

let parent = Container()
let child = Container(parent: parent)

parent.bind(value: 1)
child.bind(value: "foo")

// "foo"
let string = child.resolve(String.self)

// 1; inherited from `parent`
let int = child.resolve(Int.self)

// nil; parents do not have access to their children's services.
let string = parent.resolve(String.self)

@Injecting from a custom container

By default, @Inject resolves services from the global container. If you'd like to inject from a custom container, you must conform the enclosing type to Containerized, which requires a var container: Container { get }.

final class MyEnclosingType: Containerized {
    let container: Container

    @Inject var string: String
    @Inject var int: Int

    init(container: Container) {
        self.container = container

let container = Container()
container.register(value: "Howdy")
container.register(value: 42)

let myType = MyEnclosingType(container: container)
myType.string // "Howdy" // 42


Lightweight, property-wrapper based Dependency Injection for Swift







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