This the my first ever pure C programming effort. I am still learning C and best practices of same. I appreciate any feedback, pull requests or otherwise that will help my learning and/or improving the code.
The esp-iot-mqtt project purpose is to create a configurable, via web interface, iot sensor/enpoint and actuator. This is acoomplished by abstracting as much of the ESP32/FreeRTOS in to configuration entities as possible.
The control messages are send/received with MQTT. The MQTT messages will be configurable through the web interface to suit the needs of the end uses.
Interfacing with connected "devices" with be acomplished through "drivers". I am still working out the specifics of this.
Clone the repo, build/flash using the esp-idf framwork tool or using VS Code.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.