- Panama, Panama
- www.computersandlifesciences.blogspot.com
- @j_sgalan
Hello AI World guide to deploying deep-learning inference networks and deep vision primitives with TensorRT and NVIDIA Jetson.
Using deep learning approaches and convolutional neural networks (CNN) for spectroscopical data (deep chemometrics)
Climate Data Bias Corrector: A tool to bias correct the Global Climate Model (GCM)/ Regional Climate Model (RCM) simulated future climatic daily projections.
Bias Correction for Satellite Precipitation Observations
A tool for analyzing and transforming context-free grammars.
NLGen: a library for creating recursive-descent natural language generators
All codes from the DataWhatNow blog.
A tiny, subprocess-based tool for reading a MS Access database (.rdb) as a Pandas DataFrame.
this code uses a daily database to display data in the form of a graph and map using the libraries matplotlib and folium
Pre-trained word embeddings using the text of published clinical case reports.
Covert ANTLR4 book source code to Python3 version.
ROADMAP(Mind Map) and KEYWORD for students those who have interest in learning NLP
Reviews for the Journal of Open Source Software
Working with NLP in Panama National Assembly
Introductory tutorial on graphical display of geographical information in R.
A repository for sharing information on available COVID-19 RNA-Seq datasets
Worked example of the process from Python source to CUDA kernel execution with Numba
numba / pydata-cookbook
Forked from pydata/pydata-cookbookPyData Coobook Project
120+ Common code and interview problems solved in Python **(it's GROWING...)** Give a Star 🌟If it helps you. Please go through the README.md before starting.
OpenMM is a toolkit for molecular simulation using high performance GPU code.
☣:chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_downwards_trend:☣ Compute and visualise incidence
Modelo dinámico del covid-19 para Colombia
Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (fitting and computation)
Libro introductorio de minería de datos con ejemplos en Python.