- Panama, Panama
- www.computersandlifesciences.blogspot.com
- @j_sgalan
PRML algorithms implemented in Python
Notebooks for learning deep learning
120+ Common code and interview problems solved in Python **(it's GROWING...)** Give a Star 🌟If it helps you. Please go through the README.md before starting.
All codes from the DataWhatNow blog.
Using deep learning approaches and convolutional neural networks (CNN) for spectroscopical data (deep chemometrics)
Libro introductorio de minería de datos con ejemplos en Python.
Worked example of the process from Python source to CUDA kernel execution with Numba
this code uses a daily database to display data in the form of a graph and map using the libraries matplotlib and folium
Pre-trained word embeddings using the text of published clinical case reports.
Examples for the hoggorm and hoggormplot Python packages.
Coursera 5 courses specialization
Working with NLP in Panama National Assembly
Modelo dinámico del covid-19 para Colombia
Reconocimiento de macroinvertebrados marinos como bioindicadores para proyecto con Instituto Gorgas
jsgalan / data
Forked from fivethirtyeight/dataData and code behind the stories and interactives at FiveThirtyEight