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[Completed ✅] Intelijence is a Python framework for training and testing multi-class neural networks. It lets users define custom architectures, provides functionalities for initialization, data splitting, backpropagation, and visual tracking. For large datasets, it supports training in parts and saving weights/biases.

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A detailed mathematical explanation of artificial neural networks is provided in the article:




This code defines a class called NeuralNetwork that provides a more user-friendly interface for training and testing multi-class classification models. Here's a breakdown of its functionalities:

  1. Class Initialization:
  • __init__(self):
    • Initializes the object with empty weights and biases attributes.
    • Attempts to read pre-trained weights and biases from the module using pio.read_weights_biases. If no weights/biases are found, it gracefully handles the exception using pass
  1. Neural Architecture:
  • neural_architecture(self, architecture):
    • Takes a list architecture defining the number of neurons in each layer of the neural network.
    • This function calls a function in to build the network structure.
    • It's not directly used for training but its be helpful for setting up the network internally.
  1. Training:
  • train(self, inputs, targets, epochs=1000, learning_rate=0.01):
    • Takes training data (inputs and targets), number of epochs (epochs), and learning rate (learning_rate) as input.
    • Stores the training data in self.inputs and self.targets.
    • Creates a Classification_Model object (model) from using the provided data and any pre-trained weights/biases (if available).
    • Calls the function to train the neural network for the specified number of epochs with the given learning rate.
  1. Testing:
  • test(self, test_input, test_target):
    • Takes testing data point (test_input) and its corresponding target (test_target) as input.
    • Reads the latest weights and biases using pio.read_weights_biases.
    • Creates a Classification_Model object (model) with empty inputs and targets (weights and biases are loaded from the previous step).
    • Calls the model.testing function to evaluate the model on the single test data point.
  1. Saving Model:
  • save_as(self, location=""):
    • Takes an optional location argument specifying the path to save the model weights and biases.
    • Uses os.path.abspath to get the absolute path of the provided location.
    • Calls pio.export_weights_biases (from to export the trained weights and biases to the specified location.



This Python script provides functions for saving and reading weights and biases associated with the neural network model, along with exporting them to a specified destination. It utilizes the os, shutil, and numpy libraries for file system operations, data manipulation, and numerical computations.


  • save_weights_biases(weights, biases, location="")
    • Saves the provided weights and biases to the metadata directory within the specified location (or the current working directory if location is empty).
    • Parameters:
      • weights: A list of NumPy arrays representing the weights for each layer in the neural network.
      • biases: A list of NumPy arrays representing the biases for each layer in the neural network.
      • location (optional): A string specifying the directory path where the metadata folder will be created (defaults to the current working directory).
    • Functionality:
      • Creates the metadata directory within the specified location.
      • Defines two nested functions:
        • save_weights(): Opens the weights.txt file in write mode and iterates through each weight array, converting elements to strings, and saving them comma-separated on separate lines.
        • save_biases(): Similar to save_weights(), but operates on the biases.txt file and reshapes each bias array into a single-row NumPy array before saving.
      • Calls both save_weights() and save_biases() to store the weight and bias data.
  • read_weights_biases(location="")
    • Reads the previously saved weights and biases from the metadata directory within the specified location (or the current working directory if location is empty).
    • Parameters:
      • location (optional): A string specifying the directory path containing the metadata folder (defaults to the current working directory).
    • Returns:
      • A tuple containing two elements:
        • A list of NumPy arrays representing the weights for each layer.
        • A list of NumPy arrays representing the biases for each layer.
    • Functionality:
      • Reads the neural architecture (number of neurons per layer) from the metadata.txt file.
      • Defines two nested functions:
        • read_weights(): Opens the weights.txt file, iterates through lines, converts comma-separated strings back to floats, and reconstructs the weight arrays as NumPy arrays.
        • read_biases(): Opens the biases.txt file, reads each line, converts comma-separated strings to floats, reshapes them into single-row NumPy arrays, and appends them to the biases list.
      • Calls both read_weights() and read_biases() to retrieve the weight and bias data.
      • Returns the weight and bias lists as a tuple.
  • export_weights_biases(destination_path, source_path="")
    • Exports the existing weights and biases from the metadata directory within the specified source_path (or the current working directory if source_path is empty) to the destination_path.
    • Parameters:
      • destination_path: A string specifying the absolute path where the weights and biases will be copied.
      • source_path (optional): A string specifying the directory path containing the metadata folder with the weights and biases (defaults to the current working directory).
    • Functionality:
      • Gets the absolute paths for the source and destination directories.
      • Gets the absolute paths for the weights.txt and biases.txt files within the source metadata directory.
      • Uses shutil.copy2 to copy both weight and bias files to the destination path.
      • Prints a success message upon completion.

Example Usage:


# Assuming weights (list of NumPy arrays) and biases (list of NumPy arrays) are defined

# Save weights and biases to the current working directory
save_weights_biases(weights, biases)

# Read weights and biases from the current working directory
weights, biases = read_weights_biases()

# Export weights and biases to a specific destination path



This Python script defines the build_neural_net function, responsible for creating the neural network architecture, including generating and initializing weights and biases. It utilizes functions from the parameters_IO module for saving the generated weights and biases.


  • build_neural_net(neural_architecture, location="")
    • Builds the neural network architecture based on the provided neural_architecture (a list of integers representing the number of neurons in each layer).
    • Parameters:
      • neural_architecture: A list of integers specifying the number of neurons in each layer of the network.
      • location (optional): A string specifying the directory path where the network metadata will be stored (defaults to the current working directory).
    • Functionality:
      • Validity Check:
        • Defines a nested function validity that verifies if each element in the neural_architecture list is an integer. If not, an error message is printed, and the program exits.
      • Weight Matrix Generation:
        • Defines a nested function generate_weight_matrix that takes two integers, dim_x and dim_y, representing the dimensions of the desired weight matrix.
          • Calculates the initialization limit based on the Xavier initialization formula.
          • Generates a random NumPy array using uniform distribution within the calculated limit.
      • Bias Vector Generation:
        • Defines a nested function generate_bias_vector that takes an integer layer_node_count representing the number of nodes in a layer.
          • Generates a random NumPy array with dimensions (1, layer_node_count) using uniform distribution between -0.1 and 0.1.
      • Neural Architecture Construction:
        • Calls the validity function to ensure the architecture is valid.
        • Initializes empty lists weights and biases to store weight matrices and bias vectors for each layer.
        • Iterates through the layers (excluding the last one):
          • Extracts the number of neurons in the current layer and the next layer.
          • Calls generate_weight_matrix to create a weight matrix with appropriate dimensions.
          • Appends the generated weight matrix to the weights list.
        • Iterates through all layers:
          • Calls generate_bias_vector to create a bias vector with the number of nodes in the current layer.
          • Appends the generated bias vector to the biases list.
      • Metadata Management:
        • Attempts to create a metadata directory within the specified location.
          • If the directory already exists (potentially leftovers from a previous network), it is deleted using shutil.rmtree before creating a new one.
        • Opens metadata.txt within the metadata directory for writing.
        • Converts the neural_architecture list to a comma-separated string and writes it to the file as "nn_architecture:<architecture_string>".
        • Closes the metadata.txt file.
      • Saving Weights and Biases:
        • Calls the io.save_weights_biases function from the parameters_IO module to save the generated weights and biases to the metadata directory. Notes:
  • This code defines a deterministic behavior for generating weights and biases, meaning calling build_neural_net multiple times with the same architecture will produce the same weights and biases.
  • Consider incorporating options for customizing initialization methods or random seed values for more varied weight and bias generation.

Example Usage:


neural_architecture = [1, 3, 4]  # Example architecture with 3 layers: 1, 3, and 4 neurons
build_neural_net(neural_architecture)  # Creates the neural network architecture, weights, and biases



This Python script defines various activation functions and their corresponding gradient functions commonly used in neural networks. It also includes the argmax function for finding the index of the largest element in an array. Additionally, example code snippets demonstrate usage and visualizations for some functions.


  • sigmoid(array): Implements the sigmoid activation function.
    • Takes a NumPy array array as input.
    • Applies the element-wise formula 1 / (1 + exp(-array)) to calculate the sigmoid values.
    • Returns a NumPy array containing the sigmoid activations for each element in the input array.
  • relu(array): Implements the ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) activation function.
    • Takes a NumPy array array as input.
    • Applies the element-wise formula max(array, 0) to set negative values to zero.
    • Returns a NumPy array containing the ReLU activations for each element in the input array.
  • relu_gradient(array): Calculates the gradient of the ReLU activation function.
    • Takes a NumPy array array as input, representing the output of the ReLU function.
    • Applies the element-wise formula 1 for elements greater than zero and 0 otherwise.
    • Returns a NumPy array containing the gradients for each element in the input array.
  • sigmoid_gradient(array): Calculates the gradient of the sigmoid activation function.
    • Takes a NumPy array array as input, representing the output of the sigmoid function.
    • Employs the formula sigmoid(array) * (1 - sigmoid(array)) for efficient calculation.
    • Returns a NumPy array containing the gradients for each element in the input array.
  • softmax(array): Implements the softmax activation function.
    • Takes a NumPy array array as input.
    • Applies the softmax formula exp(array) / sum(exp(array)) with a small epsilon value to avoid division by zero.
    • Normalizes the input array elements to a probability distribution where the sum of all elements equals 1.
    • Returns a NumPy array containing the softmax probabilities for each element in the input array.
  • gradient_softmax(array): Calculates the gradient of the softmax activation function.
    • Takes a NumPy array array as input, representing the output of the softmax function.
    • Uses the formula softmax(array) * (1 - softmax(array)) for element-wise calculation.
    • Returns a NumPy array containing the gradients for each element in the input array.
  • argmax(array): Finds the index of the largest element in a NumPy array array.
    • Sets all elements except the maximum element to zero.
    • Returns a modified version of the input array where only the element with the maximum value is set to 1.

Example Usage:


import predefined_algorithms as pa

# Example with ReLU
a = np.array([0.235, -1.25, 0, 0.124])
r = pa.relu(a)
print("ReLU output:", r)
grad_r = pa.relu_gradient(r)
print("ReLU gradient:", grad_r)

# Example with softmax (replace with your desired input array)
array = [...]  # Replace with your input array
softmax_output = pa.softmax(array)
print("Softmax output:", softmax_output)



This Python script defines a class Classification_Model for building and training a multi-layer neural network for classification tasks. Here's a breakdown of its components and functionalities:

Class Definition:

  • Classification_Model(self, inputs, targets, weights, biases):
    • Initializes the model with input data (inputs), target labels (targets), pre-trained weights (weights), and biases (biases).
    • inputs: A 3D NumPy array representing the input data, where each element is a 1D array representing a single data point.
    • targets: A 3D NumPy array representing the target labels (one-hot encoded), with the same structure as inputs.
    • weights: A list of NumPy arrays, where each array represents the weights for a specific layer.
    • biases: A list of NumPy arrays, where each array represents the biases for a specific layer.
    • Internal variables:
      • self.layer_output: Stores the output for each layer during forward propagation (used in backpropagation).
      • self.training_inputs, self.training_targets, self.validation_inputs, self.validation_targets: To store training and validation data.
      • self.length_training: Length of the training data.
      • self.optimal_weights, self.optimal_biases: Stores the weights and biases with the best validation performance.

Data Splitting:

  • divide_data(self, training_percentage=80):
    • Splits the input data (inputs and targets) into training and validation sets based on a specified percentage (default: 80% training, 20% validation).

Forward Propagation:

  • forward_propagation(self, input):
    • Takes a single data point (input) as input.
    • Iterates through each layer, performing matrix multiplication with weights, adding biases, and applying the activation function (ReLU for hidden layers, softmax for the output layer).
    • Stores the output of each layer in self.layer_output.
    • Returns the final output of the network.


  • backpropagation(self, input, target, learning_rate=0.01):
    • Performs backpropagation to update weights and biases.
    • Takes the input data point (input), target label (target), and learning rate (learning_rate) as input.
    • Calculates the error based on the difference between the output and the target.
    • Backpropagates the error through the network, computing gradients for weights and biases using chain rule.
    • Updates weights and biases based on the learning rate and gradients.


  • training(self, epochs, learning_rate=0.01):
    • Trains the model for a specified number of epochs (epochs) with a given learning rate (learning_rate).
    • Iterates through epochs:
      • For each training data point, performs forward propagation and backpropagation.
      • Calculates training error and validation error after each epoch.
      • Keeps track of the epoch with the minimum validation error and stores the corresponding weights and biases as self.optimal_weights and self.optimal_biases.
      • Plots the training error and validation error vs. epochs.
      • Saves the best weights and biases using the parameters_IO.save_weights_biases function.
      • Returns the training error and validation error history.


  • testing(self, testing_inputs, testing_targets):
    • Takes testing data (testing_inputs and testing_targets) as input.
    • Iterates through the testing data points:
      • Performs forward propagation to get the predicted output.
      • Compares the predicted output with the target label to determine accuracy.
    • Prints the overall number of correct predictions, wrong predictions, and accuracy.


This Python script demonstrates how to use the class for training and testing a neural network on the MNIST handwritten digit classification task. Here's a breakdown of its functionalities:

One-Hot Encoding:

  • one_hot_encode(number):
    • Takes an integer (number) representing the digit class (0-9).
    • Returns a one-hot encoded representation of the class as a NumPy array.

Train Model:

  • train_model(epoch=1000):
    • Reads the MNIST training data from a CSV file (mnist_train.csv).
    • Iterates through each line in the CSV:
      • Creates a zero-filled NumPy array (input) to store the pixel values (normalized to 0-1).
      • Converts the target label (first element in the line) to a one-hot encoded vector using one_hot_encode.
      • Splits the remaining line elements into pixel values and stores them in the input array.
      • Appends the processed input and target to separate lists (inputs and targets).
    • Defines the neural network architecture using na.build_neural_net (this function exists in Here, a simple network with 784 input neurons (28x28 pixels), 10 hidden neurons, and 10 output neurons (for 10 digits) is used.
    • Reads pre-trained weights and biases from the model using pio.read_weights_biases (this function exists in
    • Initializes a Classification_Model object (model) with the prepared data and weights/biases.
    • Trains the model for a specified number of epochs (epoch) with a learning rate of 0.01 using

Test Model:

  • test_model()
    • Reads the MNIST test data from a CSV file (mnist_test.csv).
    • Follows a similar process as train_model to prepare the testing inputs and targets.
    • Reuses the pre-trained weights and biases read earlier.
    • Initializes a new Classification_Model object (model) with empty inputs and targets (weights and biases are loaded from the previous step).
    • Evaluates the model on the testing data using model.testing. This calculates the accuracy of the model on unseen data.

Running the Script:

  • The script defines two functions: train_model and test_model.
  • It calls train_model(epoch=2000) to train the model for 2000 epochs.
  • After training, it calls test_model to evaluate the model's performance on the test data.

Important Notes: Modify the file paths ("D:\Codes\Projects\Inteljence\Dataset\mnist_train.csv" and "D:\Codes\Projects\Inteljence\Dataset\mnist_test.csv") to point to the actual location of your MNIST training and testing data.

This example demonstrates a basic workflow for training and testing a neural network for image classification using the provided class.


[Completed ✅] Intelijence is a Python framework for training and testing multi-class neural networks. It lets users define custom architectures, provides functionalities for initialization, data splitting, backpropagation, and visual tracking. For large datasets, it supports training in parts and saving weights/biases.






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