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Gram Core

This contains most of the serverside logic of the Gram application.

Postgres Datastore

To setup postgres for local development, the repository comes with a premade docker-compose file. Simply run the following command to start the test and development databases.

docker-compose up -d

Tables can be created by running the migrate-database command:

NODE_ENV=test npm run migrate-database
NODE_ENV=development npm run migrate-database

To access the postgres shell for your local development database:

docker exec -e PGPASSWORD=somethingsecret -it gram-postgres psql gram -U gram

To access the staging and production databases, you can use the scripts/ and scripts/ scripts. On MacOS please install coreutils before running the scripts above:

brew install coreutils


You should already be familiar with the migrate-database command from above. So here are some more details.

Migrations exist in the src/data/migrations/ directory. These are run sequentially and transactionally, and should roll back in case of failure. They must follow the naming convention of <sequential number>_<snake-case-descriptive-name>.<sql|js>.

For staging and production, these should run automatically upon application start.


Run all tests:

npm test

This project uses prettier as a formatter/linter. To run it from the terminal (though I recommend otherwise you install a plugin for your IDE), you can use the following commands:

npm run lint # only checks what files are different
npm run lint-fix # overwrites files

Updating / Fixing vulnerable dependencies

To check for any current vulnerable dependencies:

snyk test

Due to a bug, it seems snyk wizard can't remediate vulnerable dependencies currently. However, npm audit fix works in a very similar way.

npm audit fix

If any dependencies still fail to update (e.g due to major semver change) you'll have to manually update them.