SlimCMS Public
Forked from revuls/SlimCMSCMS created with Slim Framework using Json files instead of Database
HTML MIT License UpdatedDec 3, 2013 -
jquery-cookie Public
Forked from carhartl/jquery-cookieA simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 30, 2013 -
PyroCMS-Related-Posts-Plugin Public
Forked from adamfairholm/PyroCMS-Related-Posts-PluginA plugin for PyroCMS that show posts that are tagged with specified keywords.
PHP UpdatedSep 11, 2012 -
pyro_module_forums Public
Forked from semicolondevelopers/pyro_module_forumsPyroCMS v2.1.x Forums Module - Upgrade to v1.3.2
PHP UpdatedAug 6, 2012 -
fbgallery Public
Forked from SMLabs/fbgalleryA pyrocms module that adds Facebook page or profile photo albums to your website
PHP UpdatedJun 19, 2012 -
philippine-provinces-and-cities-sql Public
Forked from ojtibi/philippine-provinces-and-cities-sqlSimple drop-in SQL script containing the complete Philippine provinces and cities. Generated from MySQL using PHPMyAdmin.
Python UpdatedApr 20, 2012 -
elRTE Public
Forked from Studio-42/elRTEOpen-source WYSIWYG HTML-editor written in JavaScript using jQuery UI