AzureARM - Object model of Azure ARM templates
# best practice is to obtain an AzureARM with the AzureARM parser
use AzureARM::Parser;
my $parser = AzureARM::Parser->new;
my $arm = $parser->from_json('{ ... }');
say "This template has ", $arm->ResourceCount, " resources";
say "This template has the following variables: ", join ' ', $arm->VariableNames;
Object of the AzureARM type an Azure ARM template, converting it into an AzureARM object to introspect it
string containing the '$schema' element of the template (string)
string containing the contentVersion element of the template (string)
arrayref of AzureARM::Resource objects
number of resources in the template
list of resources in the template
hashref of AzureARM::Template::Parameter objects
number of parameters in the template
list of names of parameters
accesses the parameter of name $name. Returns an AzureARM::Template::Parameter object
hashref of AzureARM::Value objects. Keys are the names of the variables.
number of variables declared
list of the names of the variables declared
returns the AzureARM::Value object that corresponds to the variable named $name
hashref of AzureARM::Template::Output objects. Keys are the names of the outputs
number of outputs declared
list of the names of the outputs declared
returns the AzureARM::Template::Output object that corresponds to the output named $name
Jose Luis Martinez
(c) 2017 CAPSiDE S.L.
This code is distributed under the Apache v2 License