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  • Install [Ansible]( installation_distros.html) on your local machine
    • eg: On ubuntu sudo apt install ansible-core
    • eg: On mac brew install ansible
  • Install resolvelib sudo -H pip install -Iv 'resolvelib<0.6.0'
  • Install ansible docker module ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker

Using deploy.yaml

  • This Playbook is responsible for deploying the application to a remote server.
  • It will do the following things
    • Install required system packages
    • Install docker
    • Start the interactsh container


  • Open deploy.yaml and change the parameters in the vars section to match your environment/requirments.
  • Run ansible-playbook deploy.yaml to deploy the application.
  • You can also run ansible-playbook deploy.yaml --extra-vars "container_tag=v1.1.2" to pass the variables from the command line. eg:
    ansible-playbook deploy.yaml --extra-vars "container_tag=v1.1.2"

Add Grafana agent

  • To add grafana agent to collect node metrics and logs on you project Open grafan_agent.yaml update the variables as per your project and run following command
    export GRAFANA_CLOUD=****
    export PROM_URL=****
    export PROM_PASS==****
    export PROM_USERNAME==****
    ansible-playbook grafana_agent.yaml