Simple 3D CAD Design Tool:
Ryo Suzuki
See demo-sphere.gif
and demo-armadillo.gif
for the quick demo.
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd cad-app
For Linux (Ubuntu) users, you should first install dependencies. (Tested with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
$ sudo apt-get install cmake xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
Then, build with CMake
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
Run the application
$ ./cad-app
Stop the application with ESC
key or Ctrl-C
in the terminal.
Clicking the Load
button, the file manager shows up. You can choose your own OBJ file from your local computer.
There are some sample OBJ files that I tested in the data
directory (data/sphere.obj
, data/bunny.obj
, and data/armadillo.obj
As a default, the screen shows data/sphere.obj
By dragging the mouse, you can control the camera. By scrolling, you can zoom in and out. You can also change the camera position with arrow keys (up, down, left, right).
After loading the OBJ file, you can change the wireframe by clicking the wireframe
check button.
First you click the Add Constraints
toggle switch.
While Add Constraints
button is on, you can select the face by clicking the mesh.
The program highlights the constraint vertices as green color.
You can still control the camera by dragging the background.
After adding constraints, now you can deform the mesh.
Click the Deform
button, then click the mouse on the mesh surface and drag the mouse.
Now, you can see the mesh is deforming.
You can also control the camera by dragging the background.
Note that the deformation algorithm works in real-time for the simple mesh such as sphere.obj
, but the computation time will be longer and not be real-time for the dense mesh such as armadillo.obj
(43K vertices and 86K faces) and bunny.obj
(2K vertices and 5K faces).
It is one of the limitations, but can be improved.
The deformation algorithm is basically based on this paper.
"As-rigid-as-possible surface modeling.", Olga Sorkine and Marc Alexa., Symposium on Geometry processing. Vol. 4. 2007.
The main goal of the algorithm is to solve the Lp' = b
of the equation 9, where L
is Laplacian matrix, p is deformed vertex positions, and b
is a constraint vector.
First, when the OBJ file is loaded, src/mesh.cpp
calculates Laplacian matrix with the symmetric cotangent weights.
Then, the program constructs b
by letting the user add constraint vertices.
The basic approach is to minimize the local rigidity energy described in the equation 7, so we iteratively compute the gradient of the energy function E(S')
in src/deform.cpp
For the fast calculation to solve the linear equation Lp' = b
, I used the Cholesky factorization by leveraging the sparse LU decomposition provided by the Eigen matrix library.
provides the basic 3D viewer and event callback. I used GLFW for the OpenGL utility library and nanogui for the basic UI components such as buttons and check-boxes (GLFW is already included in the nanogui library).
enables to rotate and zoom based on model, view, and projection matrix.
and shader_mesh.vert/geom/frag
are the shader files.
is for the ray tracing, which enables to select the vertex and face by converting from the 2D mouse position to the 3D world. For the fast ray tracing, I used the Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) algorithm introduced in this paper.
"Ray tracing deformable scenes using dynamic bounding volume hierarchies.", Ingo Wald, Solomon Boulos, and Peter Shirley. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 26.1 (2007): 6.