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Cauldron C# Toolkit

List of breaking changes

Version 3.1.x

All Cauldron.Core namespaces were renamed to Cauldron.

Packages that were merged or renamed

Old packages Merged to
Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Collections Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections
Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Randomizer Capgemini.Cauldron.Randomizer
Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Yaml Capgemini.Cauldron.Yaml
Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Interceptors Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors
Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Collections Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections

Version 3.0.0

The interceptors (method, property, fields, constructor ...) from Cauldron.Interception.Fody were moved to Cauldron.BasicInterceptors and are now implemented as custom interceptors. Custom interceptors are "scripts" that are compiled and run by Cauldron during the build of your project. For more information check the wiki.

How to fix MSBUILD blocking a dll.




.NET Classic

.NET Standard 2.0


What you require to run this project in Visual Studio

Nuget Packages

Assembly Description NuGet
Cauldron Provides usefull extension methods.
This assembly contains all funtions of the following packages:

Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.Activator The activator is a simple and fast dependency injection framework. It is based on attributes and does not require any configuration files for configuration. It also supports using static methods as component constructor.
This version is not compatible with Assemblies weaved by versions older than 3.1.0 of the Cauldron.Activator.
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.BasicInterceptors Custom interceptors for Cauldron.Interception.Fody that provides method, property, field and constructor interception. NuGet
Cauldron.Cecilator A Fody/Mono.Cecil wrapper that provides most basic IL code weaving helpers.
Cauldron.Collections Contains specialized Dictionary implementations, that are 4x faster than the .NET default Dictionary.
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.Consoles Cauldron.Consoles is a Cauldron.Core based parameter parser which supports grouping of parameters in execution groups. It is also supports localization and has a nice parameter table :)
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.Cryptography Contains typical implementations for AES, RSA and RSA-AES encryptions. It also contains extensions that helps working with SecureString.
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.Interception.Fody Fody add-in that provides custom interception. Supports Net45, NetStandard2.0 and UWP.
Method, Property, Constructor and Field interceptors can be found in the package Cauldron.BasicInterceptors (
Cauldron.Interceptors A collection of interceptor implementations.
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.Localization A simple localization implementation that can work with different sources.
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.Randomizer Provides a randomizer that is cryptographically secure.
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.Win32.Impersonation Provides an extension for PrincipalContext to impersonate a user. NuGet
Cauldron.Win32.MonitorInfo Provides properties and methods for getting information about the monitor.
Cauldron.Win32.UserInformation Consolidates methods for getting user information (profile picture, email address, home directory ect.) to a single class.
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Cauldron.Win32.WindowsService Creating Windows Services is now a cake walk. This implementation can also handle localized service name and description. NuGet
Cauldron.Win32.WPF A simple MVVM framework that heavily uses IL-weaving based on Fody. NuGet
Cauldron.Win32.WPF.ParameterPassing Handles passing of parameters to running instance(s) of an application. NuGet
Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSDark Visual Studio dark theme for Cauldron WPF NuGet
Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSLight Visual Studio dark theme for Cauldron WPF NuGet
Cauldron.Yaml A YAML deserializer.
Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.

Release Notes



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: FindVisualParent now considers sub-classes


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: DataTrigger behaviour added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: StoryboardBeginAnimationAction action added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: VisibilityAnimation behaviour added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: ColorHexToSolidColorBrush Json Converter added.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Added MathEx methods: ValueOf for int, long and float.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Directory Combine extensions added.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Append extension added. Works like NET471 LINQ version.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: MinutesToTimeSpan Json Converter added.


  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Several small fixes in the XML comments
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Convertion extension 'As' can now convert value types correctly.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: Dependency to NLog removed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: PerformanceLoggerAttribute removed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: ExceptionLoggerAttribute removed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: PropertyOnSetAttribute added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: TimedCacheAttribute namespace changed to Cauldron.Core.Interceptors.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: InterceptorRule added to RegistryClassAttribute
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: Fody version 3.0.0 update and minor bug fixes.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: Now bringing its own interceptor
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: Fody version 3.0.0 update and minor bug fixes.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.UserInformation: Dependencies cleaned
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.UserInformation: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WindowsService: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.Impersonation: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.Impersonation: Now signed
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Nullable equality check fixed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSLight: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: ConcurrentKeyedCollection removed with no replacement, because it is better to use ConcurrentDictionary.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: Extension ToKeyedCollection removed and replaced by ToFastKeyedCollection.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: KeyedCollectionEx removed and replaced by FastKeyedCollection.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: ConcurrentList removed and replaced by ConcurrentCollection.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: FastObservableCollection added.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: FastDictionary added.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: All dependencies removed.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSDark: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.ParameterPassing: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.MonitorInfo: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Now signed


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: Dependency to NLog added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: PerformanceLoggerAttribute added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: ExceptionLoggerAttribute added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: ExecutionTimeAttribute added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: PropertyOnSetAttribute added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: RegistryAttribute added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: contentFiles entry in nuget added.


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: TimedCache weaver fixed for async methods
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Interceptors: TimedCache weaver fixed for async methods part 2
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Detection of resulting type in block container returing null, now fixed
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Some minor bugs fixed
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Method usage detection was broken which lead to unweaved methods.
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: GetParametersArray was broken
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: GetParametersArray was still broken - not fixed
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Multiple execution of OnEnter on async methods bug is fixed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSLight: Styles not loaded - fixed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Collections: Bugs in TryGetValue in all collection type fixed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSDark: Styles not loaded - fixed

3.1.35 BETA


  • Capgemini.Cauldron: PadOrCut extension method added. It allows to pad chars or cut the string to a specific length.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Debug class added


  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Concat(this T[][] arrays) renamed to Flatten(this T[][] arrays)
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Assembly for UWP added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Cauldron.Comparing merged with Cauldron.Core.Extension
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: All extension packages merged
  • Capgemini.Cauldron: Now signed

3.1.26 BETA


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Randomizer: Added assemblies for NET45 and NET461


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Randomizer: Net461 DLLs removed because it causes a lot of issues on mixed solutions (NetCore and Net461)
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Randomizer: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Randomizer: Assembly for UWP added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Randomizer: Now signed



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Multiple execution of OnEnter on async methods bug is fixed

3.0.33 BETA


  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: Multiple execution of OnEnter on async methods bug is fixed
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: GetParametersArray was still broken - now fixed


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Fody dependency updated to 3.1.4



  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: GetParametersArray was still broken - not fixed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: RunSync was ambigious... It is supposed to be in Cauldron.Core.Extensions... Not in Activator.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Fody dependency updated to 3.1.3


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Scripting build bug that caused Cauldron not to rebuild changed scripts, solved



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Cauldron Reflection merged with Cauldron.Activator
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Cauldron Disposable merged with Cauldron.Activator
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Now signed


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: GetParametersArray was broken



  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: GetParametersArray was broken


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Speed tweak for the dictionary.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: FastDictionary added.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Method usage detection was broken which lead to unweaved methods.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Conditional now possible - CallingType added to Resolver
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Factory.Destroy optimized



  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: Async method interception with multiple awaits fixed
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Switches were not copied correctly in methods
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Switches were not copied correctly in methods


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: added 2 new properties to IFactoryTypeInfo: ChildType, IsEnumerable


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Performance tweaks for the Factory
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: More performance tweaks for the Factory



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Cryptography: Now signed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Cryptography: All references removed


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Cryptography: UWP assembly added



  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: contentFiles entry in nuget added.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WindowsService: contentFiles entry in nuget added.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: contentFiles entry in nuget added.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Support for project "linked" interceptors.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Searches project.assets.json file for interceptors
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Searches csproj.nuget.g.props file for interceptors
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: contentFiles entry in nuget added.


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: More performance boost for the DI
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Async helper coder optimized


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Resolver was unable to resolve.
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: "Member 'Cast' is declared in another module and needs to be imported" error fixed



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Performance tuning
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Inject attribute is now a custom interceptor
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: TypeSystem moved from BuilderType to the new class BuilderTypes
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: JsonIgnoreAttribute is now not added to Cauldron generated fields.


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Component attribute options added.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Injector properties added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Rebuilt event added


  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Multiple bugs regarding resolving of generics fixed.
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Async Methods parameters are "optimized" away on release mode. The weaver now adds the parameters.
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Async Methods "this" reference fixed.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Closed generic support added.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Bug that causes an exception while weaving in Net47 fixed.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: IFactoryResolver removed and replaced by Factory.Resolvers collection.


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: IFactoryExtension added.


  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Bug fixed regarding weaving of async void methods.
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Return value for async methods is not correctly detected in some cases. fixed.
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Parameter array in async method not correctly weaved.



  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: InterceptorOptionAttribute added.
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Added some support to more generic coding style.


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WindowsService: Bad nuget reference fixed



  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: Due to changes in cecilator the method weaver has to be fixed also
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Fixed bugs in weaving default values for generic parameters
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Fixed bugs in weaving code into the Async State Machine MoveNext method
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Fixed bugs in CopyMethod that causes the weaver to weave the wrong method in the call.


  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: Interceptors in abstract class for methods and properties are now possible.

3.0.10 BETA


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Factory object cache performance tweaks

3.0.7 BETA


  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Cryptography: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.UserInformation: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WindowsService: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Consoles: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Localization: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSLight: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSDark: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.ParameterPassing: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.MonitorInfo: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added

3.0.5 BETA


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: A bug in cecilator that causes arrays parameter to be not correctly weaved fixed
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Fixed bugs in weaving async methods
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Fixed bugs in weaving methods with generic parameters
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: A bug in cecilator that causes arrays parameter to be not correctly weaved fixed
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Fixed bugs in weaving async methods
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Fixed bugs in weaving methods with generic parameters

3.0.4 BETA


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Properties with getter and setter but without backing field caused an Exception during weaving.

3.0.3 BETA


  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: First version
  • Cauldron.BasicInterceptors: Dlls added for Net451, Net452, Net461 and Net462


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WindowsService: Fody version 3.0.0 update and minor bug fixes.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Fody version 3.0.0 update and minor bug fixes.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: Now bringing its own interceptor
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Basic interceptors moved to Cauldron.BasicInterceptors package
  • Cauldron.Cecilator: Fody version 3.0.0 update and minor bug fixes.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Localization: Fody version 3.0.0 update and minor bug fixes.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Fody version 3.0.0 update and minor bug fixes.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Now bringing its own interceptor

3.0.2 BETA


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Resolving of generics throws an exception on certain cases.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Custom interceptors now works correctly.

3.0.0 BETA


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Fody version 3.0.0 update and minor bug fixes.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: First version of the new Cecilator.



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: All interceptor interfaces that were part of this package were moved to Cauldron.BasicInterceptors

2.0.35 BETA


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSLight: Beta release.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.Theme.VSDark: Beta release.

2.0.30 BETA


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: ComponentConstructorAttribute now accepts internal ctors
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: DoNotInterceptAttribute removed... Replaced by the InterceptionRuleAttribute instead. See documentation for more details.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Interceptor OnException return type changed to bool to be able to create interceptors that swallow exceptions.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Getting rid of useless casts in created code.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.ParameterPassing: Change COPYDATASTRUCT data to unicode.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Support for properties without backing fields added.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Support for assembly-wide attribute decorating added.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Simple interceptors without try catch added.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: MethodInterceptors in Async methods are now weaved correctly.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: ModuleMain entry point interceptor fixed. Weaver throwed exception during weaving.



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: AssignMethodAttribute decorated field types were not imported.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: {CtorArgument:} placeholder now accepts parameter names besides index.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: AssignMethodAttribute now falls back to 'is assignable' if the return type of a method does not match.



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: AssignMethodAttribute now allowing parameters.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: AssignMethodAttribute can now throw an error if the associated method is not found.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: AssignMethodAttribute now supports constructor defined placeholders.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Fixed a bug that caused some methods to return null if Code-Optimization is on.



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: New interceptor extension added - AssignMethodAttribute



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: NonSerializedAttribute was implemented as a custom attribute... Now correctly implemented.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute will be added to all Cauldron created properties if the type System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute exist.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: OnActivationProtocol added to ApplicationBase
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: RegisterUrlProtocols added to ApplicationBase


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.ParameterPassing: Will now also invoke the callback delegate if there are no instances of the program running.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: ParameterPassing in ApplicationBase now uses Environment.Exit(0) after passing the params to other instances.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.UserInformation: Added a fallback if the user's account picture file was not found.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Some info and error messages changed to be more informative.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF.ParameterPassing: Now uses the NET461 assembly version of the randomizer.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Real support for Net45 added - The weaver itself still requires an installed Net461.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: NonSerializedAttribute or IgnoreDataMemberAttribute or JsonIgnoreAttribute added to all Cauldron created fields and properties (Only if these attributes are referenced in the project).


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: In some cases if the weaver tries to retrieved information from referenced assemblies, a BadImageFormatException occures. Fixed.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.UserInformation: WTSClientName added to User and CurrentUser. WTSClientName returns the Windows Terminal Session client name.



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Constructor interceptor added.



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: CreateFirst always returned null in some cases... This is fixed.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: A bug was in "cleaning" fixed that caused local variables to be removed although they were still in use.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Fixed a bug that caused the weaver to weav types that does not exist and then throws exceptions.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Sort of fixed the issue that jumping to errors on async methods did not work.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Localization: Added a Contains method to Locale.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Several issues with the dispatcher fixed.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Navigator was not able to find the correct view in some cases.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: ObjectToVisibilityConverter logic was inverted.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Bugs in MessageDialog that caused the strings not to be localized correctly fixed
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Fixes an issue where the SplashScreen can be removed from MainView and causes the application to exit


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Allowing non auto-properties to be intercepted.


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: XAML resources loading order can now be changed by adding a dash and a numeric suffix to the file name. e.g. Style-01.xaml.



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: If PropertyChanged.Fody weaved before Cauldron then Cauldron has removed the implementation for the particular property. This is now fixed.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Fixed a bug that caused try-catches to be malformed if the modified method was empty.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Fixed the weaver for the IChangeAwareViewModel interface.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: IPropertyInitializer added. This interface forces an interceptor to be loaded on type init instead of the first call.



  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Bug from yesterday regarding ComponentAttribute still occured on nested private classes. Now fixed.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Sequence points added.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: The ViewAttribute now accepts a string as view name/type.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: OnIsLoadingChanged added to ViewModelBase.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Message unsubsribe added to dispose of ViewModelBase.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: RegisterChildren attribute added.


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Renamed IMessageDialog.ShowException to IMessageDialog.ShowExceptionAsync



  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Activator: CreateFirst method added to the Factory. This will auto-pick the implementation with the highest priority if multiple implementations are available.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Weaves an initializer for xaml resources to be able to auto-load them.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Several information from ApplicationInfo added as static resources.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: IViewAware interface added.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Useless method cache removed from weaver.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: TimedCacheAttribute namespace change also reflected to weaver.


  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: The weaving of the auto-ComponentAttribute attributed types caused an error in some cases if the type is not public.
  • Cauldron.Interception.Fody: Interceptors that uses ISyncRoot interface was not correctly weaved. This caused the object initialization to be weaved in the .cctor even though it is not static.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Now picks the correct Window implementation.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Bug regarding auto-selection of views in the navigator fixed.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Bug in CauldronTemplateSelector regarding view orientation fixed.
  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Win32.WPF: Fixed a bug that caused the application to crash if there are no IMultiValueConverter in the application.

2.0.8 BETA


  • Capgemini.Cauldron.Yaml: Assemblies for Net45, Net451, Net452, Net46, Net461 and Net462 added

Old Release Notes

2.0.0 betas

  • NetCore and Desktop libraries combined to NetStandard 2.0
  • Cauldron.XAML renamed to Cauldron.Win32.WPF
  • UWP libraries are combined together to a single library
  • Win32 specific libraries has now the following nomenclature: Cauldron.Win32.*
  • DispatcherEx is now injectable. It uses the new UnitTest aware Factory resolver to inject either the dummy dispatcher or the real deal.
  • ComparerUtils renamed to Comparer


  • Breaking changes: Reorganisation of the XAML libraries
  • Skinning added (Skins from first version of Cauldron re-added)
  • The App class (which inherits from ApplicationBase) is now recognized as Splashscreen if it has assigned a view. The OnPreload method is only called if a view is assigned if the navigation-mode is not SinglePage.
  • Bug fixes in Interception.Fody
    • Properties as constructors now works as expected
    • ComponentConstructor attributes are now no longer removed after weaving
  • Locale class can now be injected without causing an error during Assembly verification
  • Singleton<> base class component construtor attribute removed, because it is redundant and causes errors.
  • NetCore versions of Cauldron.Interception, Cauldron.Core and Cauldron.Activator are now part of the NuGet package again.
  • Password scoring now works a bit better
  • Inline text for TextBlock fixed
  • XAML.Validation is now awaitable
  • Module OnLoad "interceptor" added
  • Bug fixes - see Incidents

1.2.7 (1.2.0 to 1.2.6 betas)

  • NetCore Dlls droped from package due to issues with Fody - This will be back as soon as NetCore and Fody works a lot better
  • Types with the component attribute get a hard-coded CreateInstance method. The Factory will use this method to create an instance of the type. This should give the factory an instancing performance almost on par with the new keyword.
  • Types that inherits or implements the following classes or interfaces are considered as components and will also recieve a CreateInstance method: ResourceDictionary, IValueConverter, INotifyPropertyChanged, FrameworkElement
  • ComponentConstructor Attribute
    • Now also accepts static Properties as Component constructor
    • New Property added: Priority; This is used by the Factory to order the result of CreateMany. 0 is lowest; uint.Max is highest.
  • Breaking changes in Assemblies class. Some methods and properties were removed without replacement.
  • Method and Property interceptor can now be used to intercept all methods and properties in a class. Excluded method can be attributed by the DoNotIntercept attribute.
  • CreateObject<> renamed to CreateType, which fits more to what it does.
  • Locale class redesigned for more performance
  • Localization source implementations now requires a component attribute
  • Basic implementation base classes added for ILocalizationSource
  • XML serialization/deserialization in Serializer class replaced by much faster JSON.NET
  • Breaking changes in Factory - The performance of the Factory was boosted with the following drawbacks
    • IFactoryInitializeComponent interface removed - Factory does not support this anymore
    • IFactoryExtension removed - The Factory is not extensible anymore :( ... To Resolve ambigousity the IFactoryResolver can be use instead.
    • This is the current performance of the factory
      Factory performance
  • Upgraded to the newest version of Fody
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Inject attribute default paramaters are now "params"
  • Assemblies class now throws a better error message if an Assembly cannot be loaded
  • Better error message in Inject attribute
  • Errors in Cauldron.Interception.Fody copy method fixed 1 2
  • TimedCache attribute key generation fixed. bBlock now works- Bug fix for anonymous type to interface convertion


  • Several minor bug fixes
  • TimedCacheAttribute now supports async methods
  • Unused variables are now removed from the method's local varible list


  • Cauldron.Interception is now using Cecilator
  • MethodOf, FieldOf, ChildOf removed
  • New Interceptor added: TimedCacheAttribute - Caches Methods using MemoryCache
  • Several Bug fixes - See issues section


  • CreateObject moved to Cauldron.Core
  • Performance boost to CreateInstance
  • IEquatable<> interface added to User class
  • Minor bugs fixed
  • Bug fixed that caused Cauldron.Interception.dll to be referenced with copy local set to false.


  • Bug fix in Cauldron.Interception.Fody regarding nested classes and generic classes and methods
  • References of the Nuget packages updated


  • Inject attribute from Cauldron.Injection moved to Cauldron.Activator
    • InjectAttribute is now based on Cauldron.Interception
  • Cauldron property interceptors setters can deal with IEnumerables if target property implements the IEnumerable<> interface
  • Experimental ChildTypeOf method added.
  • Cauldron.Activator has now an extension that can create types from interfaces.
    • CreateObject extension removed from Cauldron.Dynamic
  • Cauldron.Injection removed
  • Fody add-in weaver bugs fixed
  • Nuget packages fixed


  • Reference to Fody
  • Method, fields and property interceptor added
    • Try Catch Finally implementation
    • Method, property and field interceptors with SemaphoreSlim implementation
    • methodof and fieldof implementations in Cauldron.Core.Reflection
  • Cauldron.IEnumerableExtensions removed


  • .NET Standard 1.6 added to NuGet package
  • Missing resources in UWP packages added


  • Behaviour of As<> Extension changed. It will use implicit and explicit operators if casting did not work.
  • string Replace(string,char[],char) extension method added.
  • Examples added to the following methods
    • ExtensionsDirectoryServices.Impersonate
    • ConsoleUtils.WriteTable
    • AsyncHelper.NullGuard
  • Extensions.IsDerivedFrom removed
  • Extension.LowerFirstCharacter optimized
  • Cauldron.XAML.Interactivity.TextBoxHeader removed
  • Reference to Cauldron.UWP.XAML.Potions in Cauldron.UWP.XAML removed
  • Several minor bug fixes


  • ByteSizeFormatter moved to Cauldron.Core.Formatters
  • MetricUnitFormatter added -> key is metric -> .ToStringEx("metric") or "{0:metric}"
  • ByteSizeFormatter key changed from B to byte -> .ToStringEx("byte") or "{0:byte}"
  • ToStringEx extension method added
  • Java property file reader / writer added
  • NavigationFrame now always retrieve the View in the following order (on UWP and Desktop)
    • Defined in ViewAttribute
      • Variants such as Mobile, Desktop, Xbox, Iot, Landscape, Portrait
    • DataTemplate
      • Variants such as Mobile, Desktop, Xbox, Iot, Landscape, Portrait
    • Type (View Type) By Name
  • New method added in ApplicationBase to be able to load additional assemblies before initializing XAML / WPF
  • Several minor fixes