👋 Hi, I’m @sziller, an Engineer and M.Sc. Architect with decentralization and self-sufficiency on my mind.
👀 I’m interested in Engineering soultions for real life problems accessible to anyone, with skunkworks philosophy.
I strive to achieve optimal-redundancy by cutting out as many middle men off systems as possible. I love solutions that work, even if rough on the edges.
🌱 I’m currently learning How to manage a complex Open-source project made up of
- hardware (IT) - selection, setup, controlling
- software (IT) - design, implementation, testing, documentation
- system management Engine
- optimization Engine: self-learning system
- rest api based front-back remote and local communication
- physical, environmental measurements - oracle management, sensors, Bitcoin-blockchain based data validation
- biological system - aquaponic setup with fish veggies and possibly mushrooms
- intelligent shell - a building housing and entire development
- civil engineering - electricity, piping, ventillation
- decentralized energy generation - active and passive methods
- energy management - passive heat storages and bitcoin mining: both serving as buffers.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on - well basically - any of the topics mentioned above, first and foremost on software and open software development management related issues.