Angular2 Dart cheatsheet (google doc)
- nested components (search for #NestedComponents)
- passing data to a nested component (#PassingDataToSubComponents)
- receiving DOM events from a nested component (#ReactingToComponentDomEvents)
- receiving custom events from a nested component (#ReactingToComponentEvents)
- displaying variables in HTML (#DisplayingVarsInHtml)
- showing/hiding DOM elements based on state (#ShowHideDomBasedOnState)
- testing asynchronous behavior using
- expectAsync (#TestAsyncWithExpectAsync)
- async/await (#TestAsyncWithAsyncAwait)
- working with a JSON REST API (#JsonRestApi)
- from Alpha 26
- Elvis operator (#ElvisOperator)
- from Alpha 27
- events: ['rate', 'myEmmitterName: myevent'], // emits 'rate' and 'myevent' (#EmitterNaming)
- cd to the application directory
- pub get
- pub serve
- go to the url specified in the output
- pub run test # runs the non-browser tests
- pub run test -p dartium # runs all the tests using Dartium (assuming it's configured)
- testing a component with a custom HTML testbed
- add examples of using features added in alpha 26
- using pipes in List of properties (no longer a map)); new syntax
- testing a component using TestComponentBuilder, like this
- for Forms,
- add a Form example using status classes: ["ng-binding", "ng-untouched", "ng-pristine", "ng-invalid"]
- use ".touched" property
- use [(ng-model)]="foo"
- use nested find in the form '.find("nested/two").value' and '.find(["nested"], ["two"]).value'
- per-component CSS
- testing elements in the shadow dom
- router integration
- service tests