The objectif of this project is to develop and test a gamified application platform which attribute badges or points scales to users who post events, accordingly to rules established. You can learn more about a gamified platform Here.
###High level architecture
As you can see on this architecture, applications which are registrered on our platform can create, get, update and delete badges, pointScales and rules. The users of an application can post events on our platform, and accordingly to the type of the event posted, it is possible to attribute a badge or a point scale to the user. If the user posting the event doesn't exists, we create the user in the application. It is also possible for the application to ask for the leaderboards (list of best users of the application).
This project was realized mainly with Spring Boot and Swagger. Indeed, a top-down approach was used in general. At the beginning we started with a swagger specification but we made adjustments to generate only the interface classes(DTOs)and the API. The bottom-up approach was also used to expose the documentation of specification within SpringFox. The following technologies were used:
- Spring Boot
- Swagger Codegen
- Swagger Editor
- Spring Fox
- Cucumber
- Postman
- Docker
###Requirements The project assumes you have a working environement, with minimal config:
- IDE to launch and deploy (Netbeans 8.1)
- Docker 1.13.0
- Docker-Compose 1.10.0
- Maven 3.3.9
- Spring Boot 1.4.2
- Spring Fox 2.6.1
- Swagger 2.2.1
- Hibernate 4.1.9
###Docker images The folder topology-amt contain three Dockers images:
- PHPMyAdmin
###Run To execute the application, you may follow these steps:
Go to the topology-amt folder
Build the docker images
docker-compose build
Run the topology
docker-compose up
Go to /spring-server folder and run
mvn compile spring-boot:run
Or open Netbeans (it was tested with this IDE but nothing is against another one)
- click open existing project
- and add costumized goal
and click on it
The application should be deployed (it will run Tomcat)
##Specification API
We have used Swagger editor to write the specification of our API Rest.
You can see the documentation on the /docs
dirctory of this repo. However, once the application is launched, an interactive documentation would be provided on http://localhost:8090/api.
##Test In order to test our platform, we created a Java project. It is in this repo at the same level as the implementation of the platform. The purpose of automated testing is to test API endpoints. To do this, we used the framework [Cucumber](https: //cucumber.io/).
To run the tests, you may follow these steps:
- check that the application has been started successfully.
- Open the project with an IDE (Netbeans for example).
- click Test
You can find our présentation Here
###Collaborators Togue Kamga Thibaut, Norah Jeannine and Sarra Berich