A purely functional toy emulator for the CHIP-8 system written in Haskell
The key mapping for the chip-8 is a bit... different. the key mapping is represented in the following code:
keyMapping :: [(Int, SDL.Scancode)]
keyMapping =
[(0x1, SDL.Scancode1)
,(0x2, SDL.Scancode2)
,(0x3, SDL.Scancode3)
,(0x4, SDL.ScancodeQ)
,(0x5, SDL.ScancodeW)
,(0x6, SDL.ScancodeE)
,(0x7, SDL.ScancodeA)
,(0x8, SDL.ScancodeS)
,(0x9, SDL.ScancodeD)
,(0x0, SDL.ScancodeX)
,(0xa, SDL.ScancodeZ)
,(0xb, SDL.ScancodeC)
,(0xc, SDL.Scancode4)
,(0xd, SDL.ScancodeR)
,(0xe, SDL.ScancodeF)
,(0xf, SDL.ScancodeV)