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Implementation of composable reducer architecture in Haskell


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Reducer Architecture in Haskell

For many years now I've been working with reducer architectures such as Redux and Elm. I have implemented several production solutions using these patterns in C++, Objective-C, Swift, Kotlin, and F#. I have also worked directly with the implementors of some of the open source solutions in this space.

Frameworks applying these patterns build upon a single common pattern with variations for different purposes and goals. The properties that most interest me are the compositionality of the approach and separation of side effects.

I'll explore implementing the foundations of such a solution in Haskell. I won't implement a full solution here. This primarily will capture some of my think in the form of notes, and hopefully it is useful for some readers. It is not a tutorial; if reading it as such, it may be helpful to skim to the end and then work your way back to fill in gaps.

This is a literate Haskell file. First we'll need some preliminaries, only a few language extensions and imports. We depend on the mtl and lens packages.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Main where

import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.State (State, get, modify, put, runState)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import qualified Data.HashMap as M
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Data.UUID.V4 (nextRandom)
import Data.Void (Void, absurd)


A callback, in general, is pretty simple. We use them all the time, for example, in UI code. Modeling our particular callback in Haskell is pretty interesting because it exposes how much implicit behavior we are allowing in other languages. The Sink type (as in "event sink") helps describe the shape of a how we send actions and is used to construct our Effect type's callback.

Noting the implicit side-effects, the Elmish equivalent is:

 type Dispatch<'msg> = 'msg -> unit

Swift might define this as:

 typealias Sink<A> = (A) -> Void

In Haskell we must run this in IO to account for side-effects. Normally we would not call this out as its own type alias, but it can be useful for comparing with other frameworks.

type Sink a = a -> IO ()


In Elmish (F#), the Effect is called Sub and has an equivalent signature:

 type Sub<'msg> = Dispatch<'msg> -> unit

Note that Elm proper (not Elmish) does not describe these types as functions. It defines them as reified values which must be transported across the Elm / JavaScript boundary to be interpreted. Spotify's Mobius retains this reified effect approach and therefore must implement an EffectHandler for interpreting the effects, a distinctly non-compositional approach that requires significant boilerplate.

In Swift, such as in The Composable Architecture by Point-Free, a basic effect type can be described as follows.

 struct Effect<A> {
     let run: (@escaping (A) -> Void) -> Void

Note that Effect a is also equivalent to Rx observables (and Combine Publishers in Swift). Rather than implementing lots of operations in terms of Effect a (e.g., debounce, zip, schedulers, etc.), you can consider relying on a reactive framework's Observable implementation. To do this, simply provide a function that can wrap an Observable in an Effect. This is how Point-Free's Composable Architecture works and how Elmish recommends you implement certain complicated effects.

I have also used Rx directly (i.e., where Effect is exactly an Observable) as well as coroutines in Kotlin implementations of the reducer architecture. It ends up looking very similar to other approaches, though it is preferable to use a more narrowly defined types within the reducer framework.

An effect is a continuation-like type. It has the basic shape of:

 (a -> r) -> r

r in this case is side-effectful and carries no data, so we can rewrite that as for Haskell (for r == IO () and noting that a -> IO () is our Sink type):

 (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
newtype Effect a = Effect { runEffect :: Sink a -> IO () }
    deriving Functor

A Semigroup instance combines two effects into one. Note that this is different than the semantics of the Applicative instance for ContT. We can't rely on ContT for sequencing since it will drop all but the first callback invocation.

instance Semigroup (Effect a) where
    Effect x <> Effect y = Effect $ \cb ->
        x cb >> y cb

The Monoid instance allows to declare an empty effect type.

instance Monoid (Effect a) where
    mempty = Effect . const $ pure ()

The Applicative instance allows us to lift values into the effect, when we don't want to perform a side-effect other than to inject a new action into the reducer. The implementation of this instance is identical to that for the Cont monad.

instance Applicative Effect where
    pure = Effect . flip id
    Effect ab <*> Effect a = Effect $ \b -> ab (\f -> a (b . f))

A "void" effect never calls its callback. Not that we make this polymorphic in its returned Effect, eliminating the need to write fmap absurd within the reducer logic.

voidEffect :: IO () -> Effect a
voidEffect = fmap absurd . Effect . const


Generally speaking a reducer is a function S×A → S (i.e., s -> a -> s). We will decorate this shape with 1) first class effects, and 2) an enviroment that contains all our side-effect domain.

In Elmish this would be:

 type Cmd<'msg> = Sub<'msg> list

 update : 'msg -> 'model -> 'model * Cmd<'msg>

Where Cmd<'msg> is just a list of Sub<'msg>. We don't do this because Effect is a monoid. List is the free monoid, which is equivalent, but less ergonomic for some cases. Elm uses the list as a free monoid presumably because it does not support higher kinded types.

The Composable Architecture describes a reducer as follows, with an additional Environment type that carries the side effect implementations.

 struct Reducer<State,Action,Environment> {
     let reduce: (inout State, Action, Environment) -> Effect<A>

inout in Swift is like a mutable borrow in Rust or a State monad. It is a hygienic mutation, not a leakable reference that can be escaped via a closure. In other words, it is fully equivalent to:

 (State, Action, Environment) -> (State, Effect<Action>)

Another way to describe how we decorate the reducer is that if a Reducer is some function (renaming s and a to avoid term conflict with the subsequent definition):

 f : x -> y -> x

Then we would define our decorated reducer as:

 f : (s, Effect a) -> (a, r) -> (s, Effect a)

In other words, x = (s, Effect a) and y = (a, r). By convention, we would typically call this function with the current state and an empty effect. We could also thread through accumulating events here, however. That might be worth exploring, but increases the risk that the reducer implementer accidentally forget to propagate effects.

In Haskell, the reducer looks similar to the Update monad (possibly the origin of the Elm naming reducers "update" instead of "reducer" or "fold"). The Update monad has a monoid requirement on the action type, however:

 class (Monoid p) => ApplyAction p s where
     applyAction :: p -> s -> s

This constraint requires us to place the action (in our case (a, r)) in a list (the free monoid). In general, the ergonomics and performance of the Update monad won't help us.

We could also use Reducer c m from Data.Semigroups.Reducer, but that would require a monoidal wrapper type on the product type (s, eff). That's definitely possible, but requires a strict notion of an empty type for s. For some types, a Monoid instance may already be defined and may not be equal to the initial state, presenting a slightly awkward API.

If you want to stay monoidal in m, then your semigroup combination rule for m would simply be:

 (_, effA) <> (s , effB) = (s, effA <> effB)

We drop the old state and only preserve the newer state. However, we need to accumulate the effects. The equivalence to the Writer monad should be clear here, since, like the Writer monad, we are dealing with a tuple of some computed value and monoidal right-hand term.

In our implementation, we use the State monad for tracking state changes. We also define a simple Semigroup instance for the Reducer type which merges the effects, and a Monoid instance which allows us to produce an empty reducer.

More work could be done here to make reducer composition easier. Reducer is both a contravariant and covariant functor in a. These facts can be used to define Applicative and Monad instances for Reducer. That might expose some ergonomic, architectural, or perfomance improvements for pullbacks.

newtype Reducer s a r
  = Reducer { runReducer :: a -> r -> State s (Effect a) }

We can combine two reducers by running them sequentially and combining their effects.

instance Semigroup (Reducer s a r) where
    x <> y = Reducer $ \a r ->
        liftA2 (<>) (runReducer x a r) (runReducer y a r)

A reducer can be empty, meaning it does not modify its state and it returns no effects. For that we define a helper for an empty effect.

noEffect :: State s (Effect a)
noEffect = pure mempty

We use it within the Monoid instance for Reducer.

instance Monoid (Reducer s a r) where
    mempty = Reducer $ \_ _ -> noEffect


Mutation and side-effect execution is isolated to the dispatch function. Elmish and Elm expose a Program notion instead of a Store (because they have no notion of pullbacks for reducer composition).


 struct Store<S,A> {
     let send: (A) -> Void
     let subscribe: ((S) -> Void) -> Void

         initialState: S,
         reducer: Reducer<S,A>
     ) { /* ... */ }

In Haskell we run inside of the State and IO monads. This code is fairly imperative--perhaps there are more clever approaches--but it gets the job done.

    :: Reducer s a r
    -> s
    -> r
    -> IO (Sink a, Sink s -> IO (IO ()))
mkStore r initialState env = do
    stateRef <- newIORef initialState
    subRef <- newIORef M.empty

    -- We return a recursive `Sink` function
    let dispatch = fix (\send a -> do
         -- Get the current state
          s <- readIORef stateRef
          -- Run the provided reducer in the State monad
          let (Effect cont, s') = runState (runReducer r a env) s
          -- Update our reference to point to the new state
          writeIORef stateRef s'
          -- Notify all subscribers of new state
          readIORef subRef >>= traverse_ ($ s')
          -- Invoke the side-effect, pointing back to ourself
          cont send)

    let subscribe notify = do
          -- Notify subscriber of current state
          readIORef stateRef >>= notify
          -- Get the current list of subscribers
          subs <- readIORef subRef
          -- Generate a new identifier for later cancellation
          uuid <- nextRandom
          -- Update list of subscribers
          writeIORef subRef (M.insert uuid notify subs)
          -- Return an IO action to unsubscribe
          pure $ do
              -- Get the current list of subscribers
              subs <- readIORef subRef
              -- Update the list of subscribers after deleting current one
              writeIORef subRef (M.delete uuid subs)

    pure (dispatch, subscribe)

Here we're creating a mutable variable in Haskell, just like we would normally use in a non-pure language. This is viable in a garbage collected language, and the mutation is hygienically isolated to this function. In the Haskell world this happens to be the same strategy employed by miso.

The alternative is to run the loop in the state monad. That approach works but gives the effect implementation thunk direct access to the state, a violation of the consistency requirement of state updates going exclusively through the reducer.


The pullback is a lifting operation that allows a reducer with some "smaller" domain to run over a "larger" domain. To do this we need to provide a lot of transformation functions. This function represents the largest learning curve of the reducer architecture. It is also the magic piece that enables app wide compositional state sharing. It is best understood by trying to implement the function Reducer s a e -> ??? -> Reducer t b f on your own.

The implementation here follows the techniques from The Composable Architecture. There are many pullback implementations possible for different domains. This simple pullback is what is used when your state is a basic product type and your action space is a sum type.

There are a lot of type variables here:

  • s - Local state (e.g., CounterState)
  • t - Global state (e.g., AppState, which contains a CounterState)
  • a - Local action (e.g., a possible sub-action of AppAction)
  • b - Global action (e.g., AppAction)
  • e - The local environment
  • f - The global environment (from which we can produce a local env)

And we are pulling back over a number of axes:

  1. State: We need to provide a way to extract the local state from the global state, and to embed a new local state into an updated global state. That is a pair of functions (t -> s, t -> s -> t), or equivalently a Lens' t s.

  2. Action: We need a way to construct a global action from a local action. We also need a way to extract our (optional) local action from the global action. The extraction can fail because the action may not be targeted at this local domain. This is a pair of functions (a -> b, b -> Maybe a), or equivalently a Prism' b a.

  3. Environment: We need a way to get a more narrow local environment out of a parent global environment. This is simply a function f -> e.

This code uses optics from the lens package, which is rather bewildering to the uninitiated.

In Elm, Redux, and other frameworks, this type of composition is not supported. For example, in Elm, you would simply call subsidiary update functions manually inside your reducer. That introduces a tight coupling at the business logic layer between the various reducers and does not permit modular testing and a host of other state sharing advantages.

    :: Reducer s a e    -- local reducer
    -> Lens' t s        -- state mapping (t=global, s=local)
    -> Prism' b a       -- action mapping (b=global, a=local)
    -> (f -> e)         -- environment mapping (f=global, e=local)
    -> Reducer t b f    -- global reducer
pullback r state action env =
    -- Build a new reducer that operates over global state and action space.
    Reducer $ \b e ->
        -- Try to extract the local action from the global action
        case b ^? action of
            -- This action was not for us, so ignore it.
            Nothing -> noEffect
            -- This action is for us, so now we have extracted a local action.
            Just a -> do
                t <- get
                -- Run extract the local state and environment so we can run the
                -- local reducer, getting a new local state and an effect in the
                -- local action space.
                let (eff, s) = runState (runReducer r a $ env e) (t ^. state)
                -- Construct a new global state with the new local state we got.
                put $ t & state .~ s
                -- Map the effect into the global action space.
                pure $ review action <$> eff

That is the end of any framework code. The rest of this file is example usage.

Example: Print Effect

This is an example of a simple effect. We'll throw this in a modularized environment. This effect has a type Void since it doesn't invoke its callback. It therefore also ignores the callback parameter.

printToConsole :: String -> Effect a
printToConsole = voidEffect . putStrLn

Example: Higher Order Reducer

This function takes a reducer as an argument and decorates its behavior. In this case we need to be told how to extract the print effect from the environment.

    :: (Show s, Show a)           -- Need these because we're printing things
    => Reducer s a r              -- the reducer to be decorated
    -> (r -> String -> Effect a)  -- the function from env to print effect
    -> Reducer s a r              -- decorated reducer of same type
logging r logStr = Reducer $ \a env -> do
    -- Run the original reducer, remembering the original state, new state, and
    -- effect.
    s0  <- get
    eff <- runReducer r a env
    s1  <- get

    -- Logging details for the effects.
    let actionStr = "LOG: ACTION: " ++ show a
        stateStr  = "LOG: STATE: " ++ show s0 ++ " -> " ++ show s1
        writeLog  = logStr env

    -- Return the combined effects, prepending our logging effects
    pure $ (writeLog actionStr <> writeLog stateStr) <> eff

Example: Counter

Importantly, this example is self-contained and modularized. It has no dependencies on other example values such as AppState or printToConsole and could be compiled and tested separately from the rest of the app.

Example environment. In this case, we don't need a wrapper type since our environment is just a print/logging function. It will be provided by the parent scope during pullback or it could be mocked during test.

type CounterEnv = String -> Effect CounterAction

We the domain of this example is a an integer state and a simple action space. It can only increment/decrement the counter state.

data CounterAction
    = Incr
    | Decr
    deriving Show

This reducer is a little contrived. It will always increment when requested. When a decrement is requested, it will complain if the state is already zero. If it is greater than zero, then it will continuously decrement until it is zero. This is accomplished by feeding back Decr actions.

counter :: Reducer Int CounterAction CounterEnv
counter = Reducer $ \a writeLine ->
    case a of
    Incr -> modify (+1) >> noEffect
    Decr -> do
        s <- get
        if s == 0
            then pure $ writeLine "at zero!"
            else do
                put (s-1)
                pure $
                  writeLine ("plunge from " ++ show s)
                  <> pure Decr

Example: Application

Example larger state which manages two counters.

data AppState
    = AppState
    { _counter1 :: Int
    , _counter2 :: Int

makeLenses ''AppState

Custom Show instance to make the program output a little tidier.

instance Show AppState where
    show s = "(" <> show (s^.counter1) <> ", " <> show (s^.counter2) <> ")"

Imagine our environment also contains lots of other effects here.

newtype AppEnv
  = AppEnv
  { logLine :: forall a. String -> Effect a

And an action domain for our application.

data AppAction
    = Counter1 CounterAction
    | Counter2 CounterAction
    deriving (Show)

makePrisms ''AppAction

Let's just imagine that it does other non-counter stuff

appReducer :: Reducer AppState AppAction AppEnv
appReducer = mempty

Example: Composition

This is our end goal, a composed global reducer which invokes logic of subsidiary reducers.

mainReducer :: Reducer AppState AppAction AppEnv
    = appReducer
    <> pullback counter counter1 _Counter1 logLine
    <> pullback counter counter2 _Counter2 logLine

Example: Usage

This example function should be imagined to be something like a UI where the user is tapping on + and - buttons.

script :: [AppAction]
script = [
    Counter1 Incr,    -- state = (1,0)
    Counter1 Incr,    -- state = (2,0)
    Counter1 Incr,    -- state = (3,0)
    Counter1 Decr,    -- state = (2,0), (1,0), (0, 0) + prints "at zero!
    Counter1 Decr,    -- state = (0,0) + prints "at zero!"
    Counter2 Incr,    -- state = (0,1)
    Counter2 Decr,    -- state = (0,0)
    Counter2 Decr ]   -- state = (0,0) + prints "at zero!"
example :: Sink AppAction -> IO ()
example send = traverse_ send script

Kick things off!

main :: IO ()
main = do
    -- Establish the initial state (both counters are 0)
    let initialState = AppState { _counter1 = 0, _counter2 = 0 }

    -- Establish our environment. If testing, we could be providing mocks.
    let env = AppEnv { logLine = printToConsole }

    -- Establish our reducer. In this case we are decorating with logging effects.
    let r = logging mainReducer logLine

    -- Construct a dispatch function for dispatching actions. This is equivalent
    -- to a `Store` in redux.
    (send, subscribe) <- mkStore r initialState env
    unsubscribe <- subscribe $ \s -> putStrLn $ "OBSERVED: " ++ show s
    example send

Produces the following output when run:

OBSERVED: (0, 0)
OBSERVED: (1, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter1 Incr
LOG: STATE: (0, 0) -> (1, 0)
OBSERVED: (2, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter1 Incr
LOG: STATE: (1, 0) -> (2, 0)
OBSERVED: (3, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter1 Incr
LOG: STATE: (2, 0) -> (3, 0)
OBSERVED: (2, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter1 Decr
LOG: STATE: (3, 0) -> (2, 0)
plunge from 3
OBSERVED: (1, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter1 Decr
LOG: STATE: (2, 0) -> (1, 0)
plunge from 2
OBSERVED: (0, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter1 Decr
LOG: STATE: (1, 0) -> (0, 0)
plunge from 1
OBSERVED: (0, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter1 Decr
LOG: STATE: (0, 0) -> (0, 0)
at zero!
OBSERVED: (0, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter1 Decr
LOG: STATE: (0, 0) -> (0, 0)
at zero!
OBSERVED: (0, 1)
LOG: ACTION: Counter2 Incr
LOG: STATE: (0, 0) -> (0, 1)
OBSERVED: (0, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter2 Decr
LOG: STATE: (0, 1) -> (0, 0)
plunge from 1
OBSERVED: (0, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter2 Decr
LOG: STATE: (0, 0) -> (0, 0)
at zero!
OBSERVED: (0, 0)
LOG: ACTION: Counter2 Decr
LOG: STATE: (0, 0) -> (0, 0)
at zero!


Implementation of composable reducer architecture in Haskell








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