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Docker based Markdown Editing Environment for slides, resume, books and articles; New Linux ELF Video Course from this project author:


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Markdown Lab

This lab aims to easier the building of the markdown environment for slides, books, resume and articles.

Markdown Lab Demo


Please install docker at first:


In order to run docker without password, please make sure your user is added in the docker group:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

In order to speedup docker images downloading, please configure a local docker mirror in /etc/default/docker, for example:

$ grep registry-mirror /etc/default/docker
DOCKER_OPTS="$DOCKER_OPTS --registry-mirror="
$ service docker restart

In order to avoid network ip address conflict, please try following changes and restart docker:

$ grep bip /etc/default/docker
$ service docker restart

If the above changes not work, try something as following:

$ grep dockerd /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --bip= --registry-mirror=
$ service docker restart

Choose a working directory

If installed via Docker Toolbox, please enter into the /mnt/sda1 directory of the default system on Virtualbox, otherwise, after poweroff, the data will be lost for the default /root directory is only mounted in DRAM.

$ cd /mnt/sda1

For Linux or Mac OSX, please simply choose one directory in ~/Downloads or ~/Documents.

$ cd ~/Documents


$ git clone
$ cd cloud-lab/ && tools/docker/choose markdown-lab


$ tools/docker/build # Build ourselves
$ tools/docker/pull # Pull from docker hub

$ tools/docker/run

Login the VNC page with the password printed in the console.


$ cd slides/
$ make

To tune the theme and colortheme, based on slides/doc/, please configure latex_theme and latex_colortheme in Makefile.

To specify the fonts, please open templates/zh_template.tex and configure the \set*font commands with the fonts you want in the result of fc-list.


$ cd resume/
$ make

If no gravatar.jpg specified, a gravatar will be added automatically if the email address is there. To disable this feature, do:

$ GRAVATAR_OPTION=--no-gravatar make

To specify the fonts, please open templates/header.tex and configure the \set*font commands with the fonts you want in the result of fc-list.


$ cd article/
$ make

To specify the fonts, please open templates/header.tex and configure the \set*font commands with the fonts you want in the result of fc-list.


$ git submodule update --init book
$ cd book/
$ make

To specify the fonts, please open book.jason and configure the fontFamily with the fonts you want in the result of fc-list.
