又一个小商城。litemall = Spring Boot后端 + Vue管理员前端 + 微信小程序用户前端 + Vue用户移动端
微信小程序版百思不得姐 - [ 先撕长裙,后撕短裤,百撕不得其姐 ]
Recognize speech to text, and convert text matching speech to srt format subtitle file
zhangniko / ComfyUI_Bxb
Forked from zhulu111/ComfyUI_BxbSD变现宝:一键把comfyui工作流转换成小程序。
LLM Agent Framework in ComfyUI includes Omost,GPT-sovits, ChatTTS,GOT-OCR2.0, and FLUX prompt nodes,access to Feishu,discord,and adapts to all llms with similar openai/gemini interfaces, such as o1…
An embodiment robot run on iphone+macbook+Arduino+GPT API
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
boycezhao / RAP
Forked from ufologist/RAPAPI management system, API automation, mock data generation, auto test, enterprise level solution, made by Alimama MUX Team, used in most projects in Alibaba! 接口管理系统,接口自动化,MOCK数据生成,自动化测试,企业级解决方案。阿里…
Apache OFBiz - Main development has moved to the ofbiz-frameworks repository.