Three.js widgets for R and shiny. The package includes
- graphjs: an interactive force directed graph widget
- scatterplot3js: a 3-d scatterplot widget similar to the scatterplot3d function
- globejs: a widget that plots data and images on a 3-d globe
- cityjs : a widget that generate a 3-d city with your SEO data
The widgets are easy to use and render directly in RStudio, in R markdown, in Shiny applications, and from command-line R via a web browser. They produce high-quality interactive visualizations with just a few lines of R code.
Visualizations optionally use accelerated WebGL graphics, falling back to non-accelerated graphics for systems without WebGL when possible. When WebGL is available, the scatterplot3js function can produce fluid, interactive pointclouds with hundreds of thousands of points.
See for details on three.js.
This project is based on the htmlwidgets package. See for details and links to amazingly cool visualization widgets for R.
Use the devtools package to install threejs directly from GitHub on any R platform (Mac, Windows, Linux, ...). You'll need the 'devtools' package.
Test 3D City
if(!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
runApp(system.file("examples/city", package="threejs"))
Example : /data/internal_html_simple.xlsx
First line : Internal - HTML Second line : Address;Status Code;Level;Inlinks;GA Sessions