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In this project, you are tasked with working on an existing application. A significant part of the challenge will be to familiarise yourself with the codebase you've inherited, as you work to improve and extend it.


These videos complement the docs below.

Existing Features

It's already possible for a user to:

  • Sign up
  • Sign in
  • Sign out
  • View a list of posts


Here's an overview of the technologies used to build this template application. You don't need to do a deep dive on each one right now. Instead, try to get a feeling for the big picture and then dive into the details when a specific task pushes you in that direction.

M is for MongoDB

MongoDB is a NoSQL database program that stores data in collections of documents (in a format similar to JSON), rather than in tables. The application interacts with MongoDB using a tool called Mongoose.

E is for Express

Express is the Javascript equivalent of Sinatra. The structure of this application will feel quite different to what you're used to but the principles are the same.

R is for React

React is a hugely popular tool that is used to build engaging front ends. The basic principle is that the front end is split up into components, each of which could include some logic, template structure (HTML) and styling (CSS).

N is for Node

Java script was originally designed to run exclusively in browsers, such as Chrome. Node is a tool that allows you to run Javascript outside the browser and its invention made it possible to build full stack Javascript apps.

We also used...

  • Jest for unit testing on the back end
  • Cypress for end-to-end testing and component testing, on the front end
  • Mongoose to model objects in MongoDB.
  • Handlebars for the home template.
  • ESLint for linting.
  • Nodemon to reload the server automatically.


This application is comprised of two distinct pieces.

  • A backend API built with Express
  • A front end built with React

The React front end sends HTTP requests to the backend API and receives JSON in response body, rather than a whole page of HTML.

For example, the React front end would send this request to retrieve the entire Post collection.

GET "/posts"

And the body of the response would look like this.

    "posts": [
            "_id": "62f8ef0e6c1ffcf74cbbb181",
            "message": "Hello, this is my first Acebook post!",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "62f8ef366c1ffcf74cbbb188",
            "message": "Welcome to Acebook! Have an Acetime :)",
            "__v": 0
            "_id": "62f8f08af1cffef85a7426ae",
            "message": "Thank you :D",
            "__v": 0

Here's a diagram of the above

a diagram of the MERN stack

Once received by the React FE, the JSON in the response body is used to render a list of posts on the page.

response body mapped onto a page

This architectural pattern is quite popular because it allows teams to build multiple front ends, all of which use the same backend API. You could, for example, go on to build a mobile app without needing to create another backend API.


Up until now, if you've implemented authentication, it will likely have been done using sessions - this is a useful point of comparison but, if you haven't implemented authentication yet, that's not going to impede you right now.

Here's the authentication flow for this application

  1. A registered user submits their email address and password via the React front end.
  2. The Express backend receives the data and tries to find a user in the DB with the same email address.
  3. If a user is found, the password in the database is compared to the password that was submitted.
  4. If the passwords match, a JSON Web Token is generated and returned, as part of the response.
  5. The React front end receives the token and holds on to it.
  6. Every request to "/posts" must include a valid token (which is checked by the backend).
  7. When the user logs out, the front end discards the token.

authentication flow diagram

What is a JSON Web Token?

A JSON Web Token, or JWT, is a token that comprises three parts

  • A header, which contains information about how the token was generated.
  • A signature, which is used to verify the token.
  • A payload, which you can use to store some non-sensitive data like a user id. Note that the payload is not secure and can be decoded very easily.

The signature is created using a 'secret', which must be kept private (i.e. not put on GitHub) otherwise nefarious internet users could start to issue tokens for your application.

Here, we've used an environment variable called JWT_SECRET, which you'll see used in the commands to start the application and run the tests (below). You can change the value of that environment variable to anything you like.

Card wall



Install Node.js

  1. Install Node Version Manager (NVM)
    brew install nvm
    Then follow the instructions to update your ~/.bash_profile.
  2. Open a new terminal
  3. Install the latest version of Node.js, currently 18.1.0.
    nvm install 18

Set up your project

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Rename your fork to acebook-<team name>
  3. Clone your fork to your local machine
  4. Install Node.js dependencies for both FE and BE (API)
    ; cd api
    ; npm install
    ; cd ../frontend
    ; npm install
  5. Install an ESLint plugin for your editor. For example: linter-eslint for Atom.
  6. Install MongoDB
    brew tap mongodb/brew
    brew install mongodb-community@5.0
    Note: If you see a message that says If you need to have mongodb-community@5.0 first in your PATH, run:, follow the instruction. Restart your terminal after this.
  7. Start MongoDB
    brew services start mongodb-community@5.0


  1. Start the server

Note the use of an environment variable for the JWT secret

; cd api
  1. Start the front end

In a new terminal session...

; cd frontend
; npm start

You should now be able to open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000/signup to create a new user.

Then, after signing up, you should be able to log in by going to http://localhost:3000/login.

After logging in, you won't see much but you can create posts using PostMan and they should then show up in the browser if you refresh the page.


The Backend (API)

Note the use of an environment variable for the JWT secret

Start the server in test mode (so that it connects to the test DB)

; cd api
; JWT_SECRET=SUPER_SECRET npm run start:test

Then run the tests in a new terminal session

; cd api

The frontend (React)

Note the use of an environment variable for the JWT secret

Start the server in test mode (so that it connects to the test DB)

; cd api
; JWT_SECRET=SUPER_SECRET npm run start:test

Then start the front end in a new terminal session

; cd frontend

Then run the tests in a new terminal session

; cd frontend

MongoDB Connection Errors?

Some people occasionally experience MongoDB connection errors when running the tests or trying to use the application. Here are some tips which might help resolve such issues.

  • Check that MongoDB is installed using mongo --version
  • Check that it's running using brew services list

If you have issues that are not resolved by these tips, please reach out to a coach and, once the issue is resolved, we can add a new tip!

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  • JavaScript 89.6%
  • CSS 7.9%
  • HTML 2.5%