- Seoul, Republic Of Korea
(UTC +09:00) - https://winetree94.com
- in/winetree94
GitHub Action for building and releasing Electron apps
Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app.
Add virtual monitors to your windows 10/11 device! Works with VR, OBS, Sunshine, and/or any desktop sharing software.
Cross-platform secret & config manager for development and CI environments
🛸 Run C++ code on web and create blazingly fast websites! A starter template to easily create WebAssembly packages using type-safe C++ bindings with automatic TypeScript declarations.
Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
Personal nix files, installs some dotfiles and softwares
Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
♾ Infisical is the open-source secret management platform: Sync secrets across your team/infrastructure, prevent secret leaks, and manage internal PKI
Universal adapter to create prosemirror nodeview from modern UI frameworks.
Ubuntu for Rockchip RK35XX Devices
A community repository of common plugin specifications
AstroNvim is an aesthetic and feature-rich neovim config that is extensible and easy to use with a great set of plugins
A modern, lightweight text editor with a minimalist design.