This repository contains Utils AI Plugin (a Quart-based API application providing various utility endpoints). It's designed to be run in a Docker container and is equipped with an NGINX configuration for reverse proxy setup.
- Base64 Encoding/Decoding
- URL Encoding/Decoding
- MD5 and SHA256 Hash Generation
- UUID Generation
- Color Code Conversion (HEX to RGB and vice versa)
- Timestamp Conversion
- JWT Token Generation and Verification
- Static file serving from
directory - Serving
content on/legal
These instructions will get your copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Docker
- NGINX (for reverse proxy setup)
- Make (optional for using the Makefile)
Clone the Repository
git clone [repository-url] cd [repository-name]
** Build the Docker Image **
Use the provided Makefile:
make build
Or directly with Docker:
docker build -t [app-name] .
- Run the Docker Container
Using the Makefile:
make run
Or using Docker:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name [app-name] [app-name]
- Set Up NGINX Reverse Proxy (Optional)
Modify the provided NGINX configuration file as needed and move it to the appropriate directory. You can use the Makefile to do this:
make install
Access the API endpoints at http://localhost:5000/. The available endpoints are:
- /base64?data=[data]&action=[encode/decode]
- /url?data=[data]&action=[encode/decode]
- /md5?data=[data]
- /sha256?data=[data]
- /uuid
- /color-conversion?color=[color-code]&format=[hex/rgb]
- /timestamp-conversion?timestamp=[unix-timestamp]&format=[date-format]
- /jwt-generate?JWT_SECRET=[your-secret]
- /jwt-verify?JWT_SECRET=[your-secret]
- /legal
Please read [] for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Emre Yilmaz - prompter
- ChatGPT - v4 - initial coding
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.