Tags: xobotyi/beansclient
2.0.0-alpha.12 (#18) * new Socket implementation via ext-sockets * feat: SocketFactory implementation. It creates the socket instance depending on enabled extensions and available functions, choosing the best implementation. * feat: SocketSocket implementation. Socket implementation based on `sockets` extension. Stream socket temporary deleted, and will be reimplemented. * chore: code cleanup. Will bring the phpcs soon. * feat: Removed read timeouts, it is no more needed; feat: StreamSocket implementation; feat: Added ability to pass own SocketFactory; feat: Improved usage example a bit;
Replace `fgets` with `stream_get_line`. fgets return false-positive e… …rrors.
Replaced doublequotes everywhere it was unnecessary; Changed the `put` command now it returns null if job wasn't created (`id` wast received);
Now 0 is passed as a `reserve-with-timeout` parameter, `null` now means regular `reserve` command and set by default;