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Code for CVPR 2022 paper "APES: Articulated Part Extraction from Sprite Sheets"

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This is the code repository implementing the paper "APES: Articulated Part Extraction from Sprite Sheets".


The project is developed on Ubuntu 20.04 with cuda11 and cudnn8.

conda create --name apes python=3.7
conda activate apes
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
pip install scikit-image==0.18.2 tqdm==4.62.3 protobuf==3.20.0 tensorboard==1.15.0 scikit-learn==0.24.2 h5py==3.6.0 opencv-python== kornia==0.5.11
pip install --no-index torch-cluster torch-scatter -f
# install pytorch3d
conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath
conda install -c bottler nvidiacub
pip install matplotlib imageio plotly
conda install pytorch3d -c pytorch3d

Testing & Evaluation

Testing Data

Download our testing data from the following links:

  1. OkaySamurai
  2. Sprite dataset.

Pretrained models

Download our pretrained models from here.

Testing steps:

  1. To test on OkaySamurai data:
python -u inference/ --init_weight_path="checkpoints/train_cluster/model_best.pth.tar" --test_folder="DATASET_PATH/okaysamurai_sheets/" --output_folder=CUSTOMIZED_OUTPUT_FOLDER
  1. To quantitatively evaluate on OkaySamurai data, use script evaluate/ Set "data_folder" and "res_folder" to the paths to "okaysamurai_sheets" folder and your output folder.
  2. To test on Sprite data:
python -u inference/ --init_weight_path="checkpoints/train_cluster/model_best.pth.tar" --test_folder="DATASET_PATH/real_sheets/" --output_folder=CUSTOMIZED_OUTPUT_FOLDER


Training Datasets

Download the training datasets from the following links:

  1. OkaySamurai dataset (1.9G, 34.9G after decompression).

  2. (Optional) A processed subset of CreativeFlow+ dataset we used to pretrain the correspondence module (992M, 22G after decompression). Original dataset is here.

Training steps:

  1. (Optional) Pretrain the correspondence module on Creative Flow+ dataset.

Download our processed Creative Flow+ dataset from above link, then run the following command (change the paths to the place you put the data):

python -u training/ \
--train_folder="creative_flow_folder/train/" \
--val_folder="creative_flow_folder/val/" \
--test_folder="creative_flow_folder/test/" \
--train_batch=8 --test_batch=8 \
--logdir="logs/pretrain_corrnet_cf" \
--checkpoint="checkpoints/pretrain_corrnet_cf" \
--epochs=10 --lr=1e-3 --workers=4 --dataset="creativeflow"
  1. Pretrain the correspondence module on OkaySamurai dataset.

Download OkaySamurai dataset from the above link. Data is organized as a h5 file which has been included in our provided dataset file. It is generated by data_proc/ Run the following command to train (change the paths to the place you put the data):

python -u training/ \
--train_folder="okay_samurai_folder/train/" \
--val_folder="okay_samurai_folder/val/" \
--test_folder="okay_samurai_folder/test/" \
--train_batch=8 --test_batch=8 \
--logdir="logs/pretrain_corrnet_os" \
--checkpoint="checkpoints/pretrain_corrnet_os" \
--epochs=20 --lr=1e-3 --workers=4 --dataset="okaysamurai" --schedule 5

If you've taken step 1, simply add

  1. Train the clustering module on OkaySamurai dataset with predicted correspondences. You will need to first generate predicted correspondences with inference\ The predicted correspondences will be saved at train/val/test split folders. Then run the following command to train (change the paths to the place you put the data):
python -u training/ \
--train_folder="okay_samurai_folder/train/" \
--val_folder="okay_samurai_folder/val/" \
--test_folder="okay_samurai_folder/test/" \
--train_batch=8 --test_batch=8 \
--logdir="logs/train_cluster" \
--checkpoint="checkpoints/train_cluster" \
--epochs=10 --lr=1e-4 --workers=4 --schedule 5 \
--init_corrnet_path="checkpoints/pretrain_corrnet_os/model_best.pth.tar" \
  1. (Optional) The trained model from above steps ("checkpoints/train_cluster/model_best.pth.tar") can already be used. You can optionally finetune both the correspondence module and clustering module together on OkaySamurai dataset by the following command (this step takes about 1-2 days):
python -u training/ \
--train_folder="/mnt/DATA_LINUX/zhan/okay_samurai/train/" \
--val_folder="/mnt/DATA_LINUX/zhan/okay_samurai/val/" \
--test_folder="/mnt/DATA_LINUX/zhan/okay_samurai/test/" \
--train_batch=6 --test_batch=6 \
--logdir="logs/train_fullnet" \
--checkpoint="checkpoints/train_fullnet" \
--epochs=1 --lr=1e-5 \
--workers=4 \


Code for CVPR 2022 paper "APES: Articulated Part Extraction from Sprite Sheets"




