Starred repositories
go-querystring is Go library for encoding structs into URL query strings.
Parse and stringify URL query strings
Chris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates
这个项目是一个基于 Cloudflare Workers 的 Docker 镜像代理工具。它能够中转对 Docker 官方镜像仓库的请求,解决一些访问限制和加速访问的问题。
🔒 acmetool, an automatic certificate acquisition tool for ACME (Let's Encrypt)
Let's Encrypt/ACME client and library written in Go
obtain free SSL certificates from letsencrypt ACME server Suitable for automating the process on remote servers.
letsencrypt/acme client implemented as a shell-script – just add water
An ACME-based certificate authority, written in Go.
ESLint Config for JavaScript Standard Style
Alibaba Front-end Coding Guidelines and Relevant Tools
Standards for developing consistent, flexible, and sustainable HTML and CSS.
🌟 JavaScript Style Guide, with linter & automatic code fixer
The fast, flexible, and elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.
uniapp sentry SDK: 支持uniapp全端,包括微信、抖音、支付宝、钉钉、QQ、百度等各家小程序。快应用请参考:
uapp是一款基于uni-app跨平台开发的高效cli。 源自自有产品跨平台的最佳实践,通过集成 uni-app, electron, tauri,让开发者仅需维护一套代码,就能横跨所有平台。uapp助开发者无限制重构一切软件。
Direct port of the Bullet physics engine to JavaScript using Emscripten
XIAOJUSURVEY is an enterprises form builder and analytics platform that allows users to create questionnaires, exams, polls, quizzes, and analyze data online.
🚀 Click the dom to open your IDE and position the cursor at dom's source code location! 点击页面 dom 来打开 IDE 并将光标自动定位到源代码位置!
LLM powered development for VSCode
LSP server leveraging LLMs for code completion (and more?)