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Gem Version Ruby

Find the optimal solution in a complex problem through a simulated annealing implementation for Ruby objects.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'annealing'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install annealing


Simulated annealing algorithms work by comparing multiple permutations of a given object and measuring their relative efficiencies based on any number of competing factors. If you aren't already familiar with the concept of simulated annealing, we recommend watching The Most Metal Algorithm in Computer Science from SciShow as it will help you understand some of the concepts and terms used below.

In order to use this algorithm we must first define 3 things:

  1. an initial object state to evaluate
  2. a way to measure the energy of that state
  3. and a way to change the state of the object over time

Lets use the the traveling salesperson problem as an example. First we will define a Location object with a distance method to measure the distance between two locations.

Location =, :y) do
  def inspect

  def distance(location)
    dx = (x - location.x).abs
    dy = (y - location.y).abs
    Math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

Now we can create an array of locations the salesperson will visit. This is our initial state, and the order can be any random starting state.

locations = [, 200),, 200),, 120),, 120),, 40)

Next we need a way to calculate the total energy of traveling to each location in turn, with low energy states preferable to high energy states. Think of it as a representation of the efficiency of the trip; the further away one point is away from the next, the less efficient the trip is.

energy_calculator = lambda do |locations|
  locations.each_cons(2).sum do |location1, location2|

Finally, we need a way to make small, random changes in the order of locations the salesperson will visit as we probe for an optimal route.

state_change = lambda do |locations|
  size = locations.size
  swapped = locations.dup
  idx_a = rand(size)
  idx_b = rand(size)
  swapped[idx_b], swapped[idx_a] = swapped[idx_a], swapped[idx_b]

Now we can run the simulation. With the default configuration it will consider ~33 million permutations of the route, so this may take several minutes to complete.

optimal_route = Annealing.simulate(locations,
                                   energy_calculator: energy_calculator,
                                   state_change: state_change)
# => [(20,40), (40,120), (100,120), (60,200), (180,200)]

Configuration options

The annealer supports a number of configuration options. See the configuration precedence section below for information on the different scopes they can be applied to.


By default, the simulation will decrease the temperature linearly by cooling_rate on each step of the annealing process. In some cases you may wish to override this to use a different cooling algorithm. To do so, you can use one of the other built-in cooling functions or you can specify a custom cool_down function. Custom functions can be any object that responds to #call and accepts four arguments: the energy calculation of the current object, the current temperature of the annealer, the cooling_rate for the simulation, and the number of steps the annealer has taken so far. It should return the new temperature as a Float.

# Use the built-in linear cool-down function (the default)
Annealing.configuration.cool_down = Annealing::Configuration::Coolers.linear

# Use the built-in exponential cool-down function
Annealing.configuration.cool_down = Annealing::Configuration::Coolers.exponential

# Use the built-in geometric cool-down function with a custom ratio (default ratio is 2)
Annealing.configuration.cool_down = Annealing::Configuration::Coolers.exponential(1.5)

# Use a custom cool down function
Annealing.configuration.cool_down = lambda do |energy, temperature, cooling_rate, steps|
  # Reduce temperature exponentially when the temperature is above 500, then linearly
  if temperature > 500, temperature, cooling_rate, steps)
  else, temperature, cooling_rate, steps)

cooling_rate and temperature

In the default configuration, the cooling_rate represents the amount by which the temperature will be reduced at each step, such that temperature / cooling_rate equals the maximum number of steps the annealer will go through in its search for the optimal solution. If a custom cool_down function is specified then cooling_rate will be passed to that function at each step along with the current temperature. The default cooling_rate value is 0.0003 and the default temperature is 10_000.

Annealing.configure do |config|
  config.cooling_rate = 0.001
  config.temperature = 25_000

Generally speaking, simulations have a higher chance of finding optimal solutions with a high initial temperature and a low cooling rate. A high temperature gives the simulation more time to search through neighboring states for low energy configurations, while a low cooling rate increases the probability that the simulation will select a low-energy configuration when comparing two states. For example, consider two configurations: temperature(10000) / cooling_rate(1) and temperature(100) / cooling_rate(0.01). Even though both provide 10,000 steps when using the default cool down function, the latter configuration will allow for smaller temperature readings which is more likely to result in a more optimal final state.


You must specify a energy_calculator function before running any simulations; no default function is provided. The function can be any object that responds to #call and accepts a single argument: the state representing the current state being measured. It should return a measurement representing the efficiency of the current state based on all of its competing factors, and where a lower value represents a better configuration than a higher value.

# A custom calculator class that takes into account hypothetical external factors
class PotentialSalesCalculator
  def initialize(initial_time_of_day)
    @initial_time_of_day = initial_time_of_day

  def energy(locations)
    arrival_time = @initial_time_of_day
    first_location_sales = potential_sales(locations.first, arrival_time)
    locations.each_cons(2).sum do |location1, location2|
      arrival_time += travel_time(location1, location2, arrival_time)
      distance = location1.distance(location2)
      potential_sales(locations.first, arrival_time) / distance
    end + first_location_sales

  def potential_sales(location, time_of_day)
    habits =
    customers = habits.whos_home_at(time_of_day)

  def travel_time(location1, location2, time_of_day)
    traffic =, location2)

calculator =
Annealing.configuration.energy_calculator = calculator.method(:energy)


As with energy_calculator, you must specify a state_change function in order to run any simulations; no default function is provided. The function can be any object that responds to #call and accepts a single argument: the state representing the current state that should be changed. It should return the changed state.

class MyClass
  def state_change(state)
    size = state.size
    swapped = state.dup
    idx_a = rand(size)
    idx_b = rand(size)
    swapped[idx_b], swapped[idx_a] = swapped[idx_a], swapped[idx_b]

instance =
Annealing.configuration.state_change = instance.method(:state_change)


By default, a simulation will run until the temperature reaches 0. In some cases, you might want to specify a termination condition that will stop the annealing process as soon as some other condition is met regardless of the current temperature. To do so, you can use one of the other built-in termination condition functions or you can specify a custom one. Custom termination_condition functions can be any object that responds to #call and accepts three arguments: the current state of the object, the energy calculation of the current object, and the current temperature of the simulation. It should return a boolean value where true indicates the simulation should stop.

# Use the built-in zero-temperature termination condition function
Annealing.configuration.termination_condition = Annealing::Configuration::Terminators.temp_is_zero?

# Use the built-in zero-energy termination condition function
Annealing.configuration.termination_condition = Annealing::Configuration::Terminators.energy_or_temp_is_zero?

# Use a custom termination condition function
Annealing.configuration.termination_condition = lambda do |_state, energy, temperature|
  # Stop if the energy is below 500 and the temperature is below 100, or the temperature is already 0
  temperature <= 0 || (energy <= 500 && temperature <= 500)

Configuration precedence

Configuration options can be set globally using Annealing.configuration or Annealing.configure, on to be used on all subsequent runs of that instance, and just-in-time on Annealing.simulate and Annealing::Simulator#run. They are applied in reverse order of precedence.

Global configuration

Global configuration options, including the defaults, have the lowest precedence. They will be used in every simulation when no overriding configuration options are present. For instance, we can rewrite the traveling salesperson example like so:

# Set globally using block style
Annealing.configure do |config|
  config.energy_calculator = energy_calculator

# Or set individually
Annealing.configuration.state_change = state_change

# Now we don't need to specify them just in time
solution = Annealing.simulate(locations)

Instance configuration

Instance configurations can be set on new instances of Annealing::Simulator objects and will apply to all subsequent simulation runs for that instance. Instance configuration options override their global configuration counterparts.

Annealing.configure do |config|
  config.energy_calculator = energy_calculator
  config.state_change = state_change
  config.temperature = 10_000

simulation = 1_000) # Will use an initial temperature value of 1000 # So will this

Just-in-time configuration

Just-in-time configuration options have the highest precedence and will override both global and instance options. They are only applied to the current simulation run.

Annealing.configure do |config|
  config.cooling_rate = 0.001
  config.energy_calculator = energy_calculator
  config.state_change = state_change
  config.temperature = 10_000

# Will use an initial temperature of 20,000 and a cooling rate of 0.001
solution = Annealing.simulate(locations, temperature: 20_000)

# Set an instance cooling rate of 0.002
simulation = 0.002)

# Will use an initial temperature of 20,000 and a cooling rate of 0.002, temperature: 20_000)

# Will use an initial temperature of 10,000 and a cooling rate of 0.003, cooling_rate: 0.003)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bundle exec rake to run the test suite. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


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Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Annealing project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.