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42AI - Github Pages

42Artificial Intelligence logo

Github pages using Jekyll with Chirpy template

What is that ?

The present website has been created using the following dependencies :


Jekyll is a static site generator (SSG) written in Ruby. It allows developers to build fast, secure, and scalable websites without the need for a dynamic web application server. Jekyll takes plain text files (Markdown, HTML, CSS, etc.) and transforms them into a static website, ready to be served by a web server.

Knowledge about the following will be useful in using and manipulating the template:

Jinja is a fast, expressive, extensible templating engine. Special placeholders in the template allow writing code similar to Python syntax. Then the template is passed data to render the final document.

Chirpy theme for Jekyll

"A minimal, responsive, and feature-rich Jekyll theme for technical writing. Open source and hosted on GitHub since 2019."

Chirpy template

The polyglot plugin for Jekyll

"Polyglot is a fast, painless, open-source internationalization plugin for Jekyll blogs."

About deploying on Github pages using this setup

Check out the following links if you are new to this setup:

Automatic deployment via GitHub Actions worflow

See files in the .github/worflows/ folders.

In the current state, any push on the main branch triggers the deployment to github pages.

Important points regarding Jekyll template adaptations

Please make sure you have read and understood the Chirpy documentation


Site configuration variables : _data/locales/

See the following files :

<!-- language-dependent template variables -->

Site structure : _tabs/

The markdown files in the _tabs folder populate the Menu in the sidebar on the left (based on their 'title' and 'lang' attributes)

See specific README for the _tabs folder in the dedicated file

These markdown files only contain the templates for the page. The variables for each page are injected into the template. They are stored in the _data//locales/tabs/ folder.

Site structure content : _data/_locales/tabs/

All the text from the TABS folder pages, in YAML, kept in one place to facilitate multilingual support and consistency between languages, and be separated from template files.

One file per tab is enough. If you want to add multilingual support for this tab, you will need to modify this yml file accordingly.

See example file : `_locales/tabs/learning.yml

Site publishing content : _posts/

"Publishing content" refers to dynamic contents such as blog posts or announcements.

See specific README for the _posts folder in the dedicated file


A lot of minimal style adjustments have been made to the original chirpy template. Most of these modifications are indicated within the code into commented lines containing the "42AI" mention. Templates modified are mostly from the _includes folder containing the root HTML files used.

Also :

Table of Contents (TOC)

For a page to display a TOC, it must contain at least a H2 or smaller tag amd be of type layout: post. Its Front Matter config must also contain the following:

toc: true

Post Metadata

An extra attribute has been added to the Front Matter config for pages of type layout: post to distinguish between site structure pages (ie: TABS, no post metadata required) and publications such as blog posts or announcements which require to display the publication's metadata.

display_metadata: true/false


In the current version, 42AI's github page supports two languages : French (default) and English. See _config.yml.

The polyglot gem for Chirpy works as a charm, but requires a few adaptations. Important points to take into consideration here are the following :

  • Site global variables per language are accessible at the root of the _data/locales folder :

    • _data/locales/fr.yml
    • _data/locales/en.yml
  • For each page you want translated:

    • you need to create a duplicate file in the same folder, adding the -en suffix for an english file.

        Example : 
        !ls /_tabs/ # Default French version file # English version file
    • configure its YAML Front Matter header according to your needs

Current language code is accessible in template via the variable site.active_lang.

Build locally


  • ruby
  • bundle
  • jekyll


bundle exec jekyll serve


  • TAB on images
  • CSS color adjustments on dark theme for higher contrast on some elements
  • README contribution blog
  • Reorganize messed up alumni variables and create alumni section on team page
  • Refacto to prevent multiple files in tabs folder