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Updated Components to Enterprise Licensing

GitHub Enterprise administrators now have a better user experience on the Enterprise Licensing page ``. We have revamped the Enterprise Cloud content to make the data more intuitive and straightforward, saving you time when managing your licenses.

  • Enhanced Usability: The Enterprise Cloud card has been updated to be more intuitive and user-friendly. Further, we’ve simplified how license usage is presented for enterprises using the Visual Studio Subscription with GitHub Enterprise license bundle, making it clearer and easier to understand your usage metrics.
  • Optimized CSV Download Experience: The Licensing page’s CSV download feature has been improved to provide better feedback on the report’s status. For reports that have a large volume of data, we will now email the CSV report to you once it’s ready to avoid confusion and unnecessary waiting.

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Secret scanning validity checks are now generally available.

Starting today, validity checks will be included in the ‘GitHub recommended’ setup through code security configurations and will be enabled for any newly attached repositories.

Please note that on July 24, validity checks will also be enabled retroactively for any repositories that had attached the GitHub recommended configuration before July 2, 2024. If you wish to directly manage feature enablement moving forward, we recommend unattaching the recommended configuration and attaching your own custom configuration to those repositories.

Learn more about secret scanning and validity checks

GitHub secret scanning lets you know if your secret is active or inactive with partner validity checks. These checks are run on an ongoing basis for supported providers for any repositories that have enabled the validity check feature; you can also perform on demand validity checks from the alert details page.

Learn how to secure your repositories with secret scanning, participate in the community discussion with feedback, or sign up for a 60 minute feedback session on secret scanning and be compensated for your time.

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Starting today, you can enable validity checks for your GitHub organization through security configurations.

You can also more easily enable or disable validity checks at the enterprise level with the ability to enable or disable for all enterprise repos.

If your organization had previously enabled validity checks through the ‘Global Settings’ page, the feature will be migrated to your existing configurations and enabled on repositories they are attached to with no additional effort on your part.

Please note that GitHub is also adding validity checks to the ‘GitHub recommended’ code security configuration. Any organization which has enabled the recommended configuration before today will have validity checks automatically enabled on July 24, 2024. If you wish to directly manage feature enablement, we recommend unattaching the recommended configuration and attaching your own custom configuration to those repositories.

Learn more about secret scanning and validity checks

GitHub secret scanning lets you know if your secret is active or inactive with partner validity checks. These checks are run on an ongoing basis for supported providers for any repositories that have enabled the validity check feature; you can also perform on demand validity checks from the alert details page.

Learn how to secure your repositories with secret scanning or sign up for a 60 minute feedback session on secret scanning and be compensated for your time.

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