Hands On Kubernetes on Azure l Microsoft Azure
Accelerate development and improve your engineering team’s agility with Kubernetes.
Hands On Kubernetes on Azure
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Get hands-on experience with Kubernetes on Azure

Accelerate development and improve your engineering team’s agility with Kubernetes. Learn how to build highly scalable applications using containers—and how to deploy and manage those containers at scale with Kubernetes on Azure.

Read the completely reviewed and updated Packt e-book, Hands-On Kubernetes on Azure, Third Edition and discover what’s new, including security enhancements, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) automation, and the latest supported technologies. Gain insight into building reliable applications in the new foreword by Kubernetes co-founder Brendan Burns.

Learn how to:

  • Use the Kubernetes dashboard to review clusters and deployed applications.
  • Implement toolchains like Microsoft Visual Studio Code and Git.
  • Move from code to container to Kubernetes cluster in minutes through automation and with built-in CI/CD and container health monitoring.
  • Automate your workflows by seamlessly integrating Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with your favorite integrated development environment, CI/CD process, and monitoring tools.

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