Integrated Threat Protection Portal | Microsoft
Register to get access to e-books, analyst reports, and on-demand webcasts about integrated SIEM and XDR in one place.
Integrated Threat Protection Portal
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Get the latest information on integrated threat protection—all in one place

In today’s quickly evolving threat landscape, staying up to date with the most innovative security practices is vital. Register now to learn how organizations are using integrated extended detection and response (XDR) and security information and event management (SIEM) to become more resilient against attacks.

Register once to:

  • Gain access to e-books, white papers, analyst reports, and webcasts outlining the latest strategies to optimize your security operations and defenses.
  • Take a deep dive into how integrated XDR and SIEM offers organizations superior security and efficiency—plus a substantial ROI.
  • Learn about available solutions to help you protect your digital estate against modern cyberthreats.


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