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Dynamics 365 Finance pricing

Maximize financial visibility and profitability using generative AI and automation.

Dynamics 365 Finance pricing

Dynamics 365 Finance

Get an intelligent, automated, and trusted core financial management solution.

Dynamics 365 Finance Premium

Enhance decision making with advanced business performance management capabilities.
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Dynamics 365 Finance


Dynamics 365 Finance Premium

Core financials
Read-only access
Restricted access
Full access
Business performance planning
Read-only access
Admin/creator access/inputs
Business performance analytics
Core reporting and insights

Core reporting and insights

AI and machine learning
AI capabilities within Dynamics 365 Finance
Capacity and storage
Higher entitlements1
Two professionals, a woman with glasses and a man, using laptops and discussing work in an office setting.
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Dynamics 365 Licensing Guide

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Prices shown are for informational purposes only and may not be reflective of actual list price due to currency, country, and regional variant factors. Your actual price will be reflected at checkout.


Dynamics 365 Finance Premium comes with higher capacity and storage entitlements than Dynamics 365 Finance. See the licensing guide for details.

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