Azure Cloud Resource Kit | Microsoft Azure
Start planning to migrate and modernize your Windows Server, SQL Server, SAP, Linux, .NET, and Java workloads to Azure using this resource kit.
Cloud migration resource kit, cloud migration checklist
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Azure Migrate and Modernize + Azure Innovate cloud resource kit

Transform your business by using this migration and modernization resource kit to plan your move to the cloud. You’ll learn how to get expert help through the new Azure Migrate and Modernize and Azure Innovate offerings, plus get step-by-step guidance that helps you:

  • Migrate your Windows Server and SQL Server estate, SAP and Linux workloads, and .NET and Java applications to Azure.
  • Get your current workloads ready for AI and build and deploy new AI apps.
  • Modernize your data and analytics estate.
  • Accelerate developer productivity at your organization.

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