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Uploading Decks
7 articles
How do I upload a deck?
How many decks can I upload?
How large of a deck can I upload?
How do I customize my presentation URL?
Why does my deck look low quality?
What file types do you support?
How do I import decks from SlideShare?
Embedding Presentations
6 articles
How to embed your presentation inside a Wix website
How to embed your presentation in CANVAS (by Instructure)
How do I use oEmbed to display a deck on my site?
How do I embed my presentation in WordPress?
How do I customize the progress bar color?
How do I limit where my deck can be embedded?
General Questions
6 articles
There is a deck that violates the Terms of Service, what should I do?
Someone is using my copyrighted material without permission, what should I do?
How do I share a deck?
How do I report a bug, ask for help, or give you a high-five?
Logos and Marks
Is there an RSS feed for Speaker Deck?
Privacy Features
5 articles
How do I disallow downloads of my decks?
How do I hide Speaker Deck branding?
How do I password protect my presentation?
How do I create a private URL for my presentation?
How do I disable sharing of my decks?
3 articles
How do I improve Japanese characters exported from Google Slides?
Why is my presentation not visible?
Why is my presentation stuck on "processing"?
Modifying Uploads
There are no articles in this category yet