Loofah and cleaning supplies. Photo by Los Muertos Crew

Time to scrub some HTML from its potential dirtiness. Photo by Los Muertos Crew.

ruby, open source, rspec

Ruby HTML Sanitization with Loofah

Need to do some HTML sanitization, but Rails ActionView Sanitize Helpers are not good enough? Read this post to learn how to do it with Loofah.

Stefanni Brasil
Testing Thor Ruby Required Options

Testing Thor Ruby Required Options

ruby, tests, rspec, thor

Testing Thor Ruby Required Options

There are lots of tutorials for building a CLI with Thor from scratch, but there aren't a lot of them on how to test it, especially covering scenarios such as required options. This post is about testing Thor Ruby options.

Stefanni Brasil
How to RSpec a Rails JSON API responses with Jbuilder

How to RSpec a Rails JSON API responses with Jbuilder

ruby on rails, tests, rspec, jbuilder

How to RSpec a Jbuilder response from a Rails JSON API

Want to write a Rails API controller test and make sure it includes exactly what your Jbuilder serializer returns? Set `render_views`. Learn why in this post.

Stefanni Brasil