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A member registered Aug 03, 2017

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Honestly the fact that you managed to make an actually finished game (and being in highschool too) is more impressive than what I was able to do so genuine props for that.

100% respect that, I didn't even manage to finish my submission so you did better than I.

Unique idea, a little bland, but not horribly balanced. I suppose you could tie this into the theme with like Societal Pressure or like Peer Pressure. Very simple, no major bugs, not a bad entry at all.

A super simple game, not a whole lot too it frankly, but not necessarily a bad thing. Not entirely sure how it fits into the theme, but it was at least a fun distraction. No major bugs, it would have been nice if the "upgrades" were a bit more clearly listed and auto updated with their scores. It was pretty funny to reach the final upgrade (which permenantly decreases your ball spawn time) and then swap to the paintbrush for maximum ball drops and watch them all over flow over the top. Well done.

I think it's a cool way to unlock progression for sure, not many games I can think of that have their "prestige" mechanic behind something thematically appropriate and that actually fully resets you (except obviously your ceramic and ceramic upgrades)

I don't think I need to leave a huge review for this one, everything about it is fun and enjoyable, a really cool concept with an interesting juggling mechanic. My singular gripe is that it was hard to tell that I was supposed to blow up my Refinery to actually start the real game, but otherwise everything was super awesome. Art Style, especially a consistent art style, game balance, direction, theme, everything paired well and worked well. Great job

For anyone as confused as I was about what to do next, try reaching max pressure. That'll kick start the game into the real deal.

A classic style incremental game, albeit more so a copy of one. It has all the components of an incremental game, button that you can keep pressing, a prestige system, achievements (which I understand weren't able to be finished due to time constraints,) but overall the actual game is kinda lacking. Spamming on a button until you reach the maximum compression, waiting for the pressure to build, glossing over the prestige upgrades, and then realizing that's the bulk of the game. It's also unfortunately very small and hard to read, which impacted my ability to actually figure out what was going on. Otherwise, surprisingly well polished more so than some other games, I didn't come across any major bugs which is pretty big so I'd say not bad for some early work.

A classic incremental game always makes me happy to see, especially one with such a cool display of your "Points" or in this case gas. The only thing that I can comment on negatively is just a bit of polish being required here and there. After purchasing the Star Pump, the text was no longer aligned with the upgrade boxes, which made it hard to actually figure out what I was purchasing. The Rusty and Good pump are well balanced but pretty much every pump afterwords was insanely fast. All of the permanent upgrades had good tool tips that explained what they did, but the main upgrades were either entirely lacking (Heater 1) or didn't really describe what they did other than "I am an upgrade." One small gripe was an unclear goal of what was needed to achieve the end goal, but honestly not a big deal since most larger scale games also struggle with that.

Now for the stuff I loved, just coming back around to the actual sphere that displays your progress in a visual way while also being entertaining to look at is so cool, like such an awesome idea. Even with some slightly unbalanced upgrades, I never felt I was stuck on one tier of gameplay for too long. Upgrading your ability to manually input gas was super cool and the upgrades for it made it actually viable to continue clicking unlike most games where it falls off very quickly. The story, obviously not very serious, was fairly funny. Seriously great work, excited to see what stuff you do next.

Super cool take on the pressure concept, I was hoping someone would do something like this. It's an interesting idea but misses the mark on extended playing. The upgrades look interesting but unfortunately the skill required to actually get those upgrades is extremely out of my grasp. Like, I was up to 9 memorizations before I finally flubbed one, (my score roughly around 1k) and it was looking like I was going to need to either wait a while or get a lot more rounds in before I could even buy just an extra life (1 Million), or 5x that before I could upgrade the game to the next level. Either more early variety, or lower costs to continue playing would have made this a hell of a lot more enjoyable to sink my teeth into. Otherwise, this game is a classic and it's always good to see someone attempt to rework it.

Seems really interesting, but lack of direction and also lack of polish really harms this game in a way that makes it hard to read and play.  Otherwise, art works well and actual animations are pretty cool.

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One of my personal favourites for this jam, highly addicting game-play loop that constantly leads back into itself with enjoyable upgrades and prestige systems. One of the most well designed classically styled incremental games. You can tell the level of care and quality put into this, it's very refreshing to see. My only minor problem is that eventually the constant holding down of the arrow keys becomes fairly annoying and a bit tedious. It is a little unfortunate there isn't an idle option for this game. Of course, the game isn't designed that way and I found myself still actively playing it and focusing on it for way longer than I anticipated.

Very impressive entry, I'm convinced this might be the winner or at least very close to it.

That actually sounds really cool, I kinda wish you had more time to work on this because I would have really enjoyed experimenting with that.

The developer himself says in the game that he was unable to finish it within the time constraints, which makes absolute sense. In any case game itself is essentially unfinished. I won't delve too deep into the game, especially because it's obvious even the dev himself isn't satisfied with his work. (No shame, I didn't even publish anything myself so I'm not one to talk)

The theme is taken very literally, with generated energy turning directly into matter at 1000 energy. Turning energy into matter serves 0 purpose, it provides no benefit to gained energy, it cannot be used to unlock upgrades (Unless they only start showing up after you collect more than 10 matter, after collecting that much I was more than finished with the game.) The energy collection process is not changed at all, and the effort required to make 1000 energy is not very difficult, and even easier with an auto clicker. With no change to the gameplay loop, it becomes incredibly stale after you've gained a single point of matter. The "upgrades" to energy collection which are simply "Auto-Generate Energy" and "Upgrade the Auto-Generator" aren't balanced at all, and after a few purchases become entirely pointless as their cost is more than a "Matterize" anyways.

I do think there is some bones here that are still usable, with a solid frame but not much else to go on, It's easy to imagine what could have been. An additional goal to work towards, some permanent upgrades to unlock, or really any other objective at all. Any release is better than nothing, so props to the dev for pushing out something, regardless of quality.

One of few I actually completed fully, which is a feat within itself. The unlocking of the placeable lasers takes a little too long in my taste, but overall everything else was balanced well. Upon unlocking the lasers, the game speeds up significantly and then becomes fun but with no goal it's mostly moot.

No bugs found, which is really impressive. Additionally, even the simplistic art adds so much more to the game than just text or random boxes. Well crafted, and well thought out.

I do wish some of the concepts were explained, like how heat effects generation, or what the conversion from Potential Energy to Actual Energy is.

Only major gripe is a unfortunate lack of the theme, which is probably what keeps this game from being the top contender (Though it is still strong within it's own right.) A full release game of this might be enjoyable to try out, more manual lasers to use, other boxes or some kind of story or lore of some sorts. Obviously not within the realm of a game jam game, so overall very well done.

Very interesting concept, but doesn't scratch that itch for incremental games. If the energy generation was increased by tick speed or a progress bar that slowly filled up with your energy the game would feel much faster. Additionally a little icon that told you how much energy you were generating so that every energy milestone that unlocked the next tier of energy collecting robots went online it would feel so much better.

The beginning of the game is fairly confusing, with no obvious goal until you start messing around. The slow generation feels intentional until you continue playing and you realize that the game itself is incredibly slow. This could definitely be helped by early unlocked buildings to speed things up, or even just a button which allowed you to manually generate power (which would obviously not work with the theme so I understand why stuff like that doesn't exist.)

Other than the previously mentioned bug by @ousire, I didn't encounter anything that broke my game, which is good within itself even if the game is simple.

Overall, well kept with the theme and optional theme but not very enjoyable to play overall. Definitely a very solid entry!

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Definitely my favourite contender, though flawed. I enjoyed it, but it was very idle, which isn't a bad thing. The uniqueness was an interesting factor of the game, and I actually enjoyed slowly finding random parts and building weird machines. I think a concept like this, but expanded on and maybe balanced a bit better would be super interesting. Some of the wait times for the items were a little exaggerated, and could have been sped up just to not waste the time of the players, especially near the end once you had discovered everything it just became a waiting game. I also wished you kept the bonuses even when merging the items, so that some items didn't become pointless or slow down progression. Otherwise, probably my personal favourite for this game jam.

Very interesting game, enjoyed the mechanics. Definitely in a fully finished product I would recommend spreading out the jumpscares and removing all of the low-effort one time scares. Excellent atmosphere is built up solely based on the location and environment, putting flashy one-off scares removes the anxious build-up and makes for a worse quality game in the long run. Otherwise, very fun gameplay and interesting story, still recommend.


Upon launch it just shows a black screen with sounds. Is this supposed to happen because I don't want to wait 15 minutes to find out that it's broken.