Twitter Ghostwriting: Turning Twitter into big business

Growing a Twitter account is one of the most rewarding ways to establish yourself online. It is an incredibly easy and efficient way to reach thousands of people at a time with your thoughts and views to make friends and find potential customers.

If you have something to say, Twitter is definitely the place to be!

However, getting people to listen isn’t all that easy, and some people are definitely better at it than others.

That’s where ghostwriters come in, and in this article, we’ll look at this spooky engagement secret and how it’s been used to turn Twitter wordsmithing into a business.

Twitter ghostwriting


Ghostwriters are behind-the-scenes writers that receive little or no credit for the content they write. Apparently, half or maybe even more of all the titles on the bestsellers list at any given time feature the work of a ghostwriter.

Conventionally, ghostwriters work with heads of state, athletes, celebrities, or anyone else that needs help putting their message to paper in an engaging way.

Hopefully this doesn’t make you doubt your favorite author – but back to Twitter!

On Twitter, ghostwriters essentially do the same thing as for books, only they have to turn out one tweet after the other. They are master communicators who hire out their skills to help people build audiences using magnetic tweets.

Twitter ghostwriters distill ideas into clear and engaging bite-sized chunks of tweet-worthy writing. If you have a hard time turning your knowledge into attention-grabbing bursts of content, then a Twitter ghostwriter might be what you need!

When to consider hiring a Twitter ghostwriter

Hiring a Twitter ghostwriter can be a solution to several problems you may have. For instance:

  • You don’t have the time to create quality tweets;
  • You can’t seem to get the hang of writing for Twitter;
  • You don’t get as much engagement as you’d like;
  • Growing a Twitter audience isn’t your main priority.

If any of the reasons above apply to you, a ghostwriter could help you grow your Twitter presence and enhance your experience on the platform for better and more productive connections.

Working with a Twitter ghostwriter

Twitter ghostwriting is an amazing service, but how can you find your ghostwriting match?

Finding a reliable ghostwriter takes a little bit of work, but for the most part, it comes down to running a Twitter search for ghostwriters and DM’ing writers that match what you’re looking for.

Alternatively, you could simply ask for ghostwriter recommendations in a tweet and have the writers come to you!

There are many ghostwriters out there, some like PoL (@PoLTheWriter) who advertises his services openly in his tweets, and others you have to dig a little deeper to find. In any case, it’s a growing business and there are plenty of people out there looking for opportunities to help people grow their Twitter account!

How much does Twitter ghostwriting cost?

The going rate for Twitter ghostwriters isn’t exactly clear.

Typically, a decent ghostwriter will cost you at least $500 to $600 a month. That’s the fee most beginner ghostwriters charge.

However, it becomes a lot more expensive if you want ghostwriters who have a proven track record of writing engaging tweets.

One ghostwriter, who we won’t name here, charges clients anything from $2500 to $3000 a month to grow their Twitter audience.

Another made $200,000 from ghostwriting for top VCs, which is for him just a side hustle.

That’s a lot of money, and some ghostwriters have even managed to create five-figure agencies out of writing tweets. It’s safe to say that if you want a proven ghostwriter, you better be prepared to pay the price!

What does a ghostwriting service include?

No two ghostwriting services will be exactly the same. Each package will be different depending on the arrangement you reach. While we can’t be certain of what you can expect, here is what PoL’s entry-level service of $500 gets you:

  • 90 tweets
  • 4 threads

This is bound to be different from what other writers offer, but it should give you some sense of what to expect.

Typically, a ghostwriting service might guarantee at least three tweets a day. Beyond that, you might also get coaching on how to write engaging tweets and monetize your audience. An info-product on Twitter strategies, frameworks, and templates could also make it into your service package with other coaches.

Apart from the tweets you get, most ghostwriters might guarantee you the following for working with them:

  • an increase in followers;
  • increased engagement;
  • a spike in the number of impressions your tweets get.

Prominent Twitter ghostwriters

There are many Twitter ghostwriters out there, but to find them, you will have to move in the right circles for a while. Doing that can be time-consuming, especially if your Twitter account is on life support.

That’s why we’ve put together a list of the most prominent ghostwriters on Twitter to help you kickstart your Twitter growth!

Eddy Quan

Eddy Quan has a lot of followers because he shares his knowledge openly to help other people “escape the 9-5 grind.”

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Wise Connector

Wise Connector focuses on self-help and motivation, offering quotes as well as his ghostwriting services which have earned him a good living.

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Charles Miller shares his goal with his followers directly in his bio: he wants to reach $1M per year in earnings through ghostwriting.

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User King PoL builds in public, meaning he shares his journey with his followers as he tries to earn money through ghostwriting.

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Dakota Robertson

Dakota Robertson wants to help people make a living thanks to their passion, and offers ghostwriting tips.

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Joshua Lisec

Joshua Lisec is a huge ghostwriter and shares his knowledge as an expert in his field.

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Beta Modification

User @MyBetaMod has a more spiritual approach to offering tips about success and ghostwriting.

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GetPaidWriting has a practical approach when offering tips as they focus on simple advice to improve writing.


Tochukwu E. Okoro

User Tochukwu tweets out thought-provoking remarks and offers online courses for self-help as well as copywriting.



User Cian is a popular ghostwriter and offers tips.


Build Big Money

Build Big Money encourages his followers to monetize their Twitter presence.

Build Big MoneyBuild Big Money

The benefits of Twitter ghostwriting

Working with a Twitter ghostwriter is pretty simple compared to book ghostwriting. All you have to do is give the writer an overview of your niche, the tone you want, what inspires you, and maybe the accounts you want to emulate, and they will work from there.

The process might feel slightly invasive, but the more the writer can get a sense of you, the more your character and personality will come through in the tweets they write. Each setup will no doubt be different, but the benefits of working with a quality ghostwriter are priceless:

  • They’ll clarify your ideas;
  • They’ll improve your engagement;
  • They’ll grow your brand’s reach and virality.

A good ghostwriter will give you something most corporate brands never could: excitement around your social media presence. Just ask Gillette and their non-existent social media engagement..!

You might never have the same name recognition or as many followers, but for a fraction of the price brands pay social media managers, you can increase your popularity, make new connections, and grow a following interested in the things you’re working on.

If you want to share your work with people, but simply don’t have the time or the patience to figure out how to craft your tweets, a ghostwriter is a great way to get your message the attention it deserves.

How to ghostwrite on Twitter

tweet tweettweet tweet

As we’ve explained, Twitter ghostwriting is pretty big business, and some of your favorite accounts might even have someone behind the scenes writing those tweets you like so much!

If you hang around on Twitter long enough, you’re bound to come across many ghostwriters. Each will do things slightly differently, but making over 2k dollars from writing tweets is quite amazing when you consider how much of a time sink social media is for most people.

So why not give it a go yourself and try to become a ghostwriter?

Here are some steps you can take to land your first ghostwriting client if you’re up to the challenge:

  1. Find an account with below-average engagement: essentially, find the accounts that clearly need some help!
  2. Study the account: look at what the account is trying to address, what niche it is operating in and what kinds of people it is trying to reach, and identify its weaker points. If the account is set up to try and sell a product or service, learn about that too.
  3. Create tweets you think would receive better engagement: take some time to imagine some good tweets that would fit this account’s message and be more appealing than the ones it has already shared.
  4. Reach out to the Twitter user and propose a ghostwriting arrangement if your tweets do better than theirs: with your few good tweets and your understanding of the account, contact the user to share all that with them. Providing value before trying to sell is a great way to build trust, especially when you’re reaching out via DMs out of the blue.

This is a very simple strategy for getting clients if you have no previous experience with ghostwriting. Obviously, not everyone is interested in growing their Twitter popularity, but if you stick to it, you’ll eventually get some people to take you up on your offer.

And it only gets easier once you’ve got testimonials about your service!

One thing to remember about ghostwriting is that you’ll hardly convince anyone you can grow their account if you’re a virtual nobody yourself. Establishing your own Twitter account before trying to help others will help you build credibility around your ability to get someone else’s audience engaged.

Hypefury’s ghostwriting feature

When you hire out a ghostwriter, you will typically want to first approve their tweets before they get sent out to your followers. You could do that by having your ghostwriter send you their draft tweets on an Excel sheet, but the process of copying and pasting tweets from their to Twitter is tedious!

This is where Hypefury’s ghostwriting feature comes in.

ghostwriting feature

Thanks to this feature, you and your ghostwriter can use only one platform to write, approve and schedule your tweets!

Simply add your ghostwriter as another account manager on your Hypefury account.

They will then be able to craft their tweets on the Ghostwriting page of the platform, submit them as drafts, and wait to see if you will approve them or ask for a rewrite.

ghostwriting draft

As the account manager, you will find your draft tweets in the Ghostwriting Validation tab, in the queue. Click “Add to queue” or “reject.”

ghostwriting validationghostwriting validationghostwriting tweets to approveghostwriting tweets to approve

If you reject a tweet, a pop up window will appear where you’ll be able to offer feedback to your ghostwriter, explaining why you didn’t like the tweet. The ghostwriter will find this in their Rejection tab.

tweet rejection ghostwritingtweet rejection ghostwriting

The Hypefury feature makes hiring out a ghostwriter that much easier by streamlining the experience to make your Twitter account even more engaging!

The future of social media writing

The ability to connect meaningfully with their followers is something brands are constantly investing in. On Twitter, ghostwriters do that better than anyone else. Soon they’ll be everywhere because gone are the days when social media managers could get by on scheduling a few posts here and there with uninspiring captions!

It might be your first time hearing about Twitter ghostwriters, but it certainly won’t be the last. Their ability to decipher what works for social media and create loyal and engaged communities is unmatched, and soon enough they’ll be writing your favorite brand’s tweets, Instagram captions, and more.

If you’d like some help growing your Twitter follow this link to our Growth Program and be sure to hit us up on Twitter. For tips on how to grow your social media following direct to your inbox, sign up for our newsletter.

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Twitter Ghostwriting: Turning Twitter into big business

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