Hypefury vs FeedHive

Hypefury vs FeedHive: Make the Switch

We know this is a big decision, let's help you

FeedHive is good for:

  • Using AI to write, create hashtags and predict your post’s performance
  • Inviting your clients to approve your workflow
  • People who don’t use Twitter

Hypefury is best for

  • Taking content inspiration from 15+ niches
  • Posting consistently across all platforms
  • Growing as a creator on Twitter
  • Having a like-minded community
  • Monetizing your audience

 (No credit card required. Just login with Twitter)

FeedHive Does Not Support Twitter Natively

FeedHive not supporting TwitterFeedHive not supporting Twitter

Twitter introduced a new Enterprise plan for SaaS tools. FeedHive announced that they will no longer be supporting Twitter integration.

Since then, they have come up with a “Bring your own API key” solution to keep using their tool.  Which means, you have to upgrade your account to a developer account, get and API key and paste it in their app.

That’s strictly against the Twitter’s terms of service – of keeping your API private. This will put your account at risk – you could get suspended or worse, banned.

Hypefury has been accepted by Twitter officially to use their Enterprise plan. Your account isn’t in any danger and we will continue to operate stably as we have done for over three years.

 (No credit card required. Just login with Twitter)

Why People Are Shifting to Hypefury

Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what people who have shifted to Hypefury are saying:

''Awesome I can't wait to try it out - I shifted to hypefury mainly for the repurposing features they have (old tweets, tweet to image post to IG, tweet ideas (templates)''
Same. I've been using them ever since I first heard of them.

And Samy is a great dude.

He's hopped on more than one call with me just to help me figure shit out with the platform when I was first learning how to use it.
"Ran into a self imposed snap with the @hypefury Twitter tool.

Asked for help and 10 minutes later @SamyDindane HF's creators was on a Zoom call with me ON A SUNDAY fixing my concern

That is how you create loyal customers! Damn!"

 (No credit card required. Just login with Twitter)

How Hypefury is Suited For Your Social Media Growth

Hypefury has been designed to give you everything you need to grow across all your socials. 

FeedHive logoFeedHive logo
Evergreen Tweets
Engagement Builder
Inspiration Tweets



Tweet Templates



Facebook Pages
TweetShots (Tweets to Instagram Images)
Automatic thread to LinkedIn Carousels
Automatic thread to Instagram Carousels
Automatic Thread Finisher
Run Gumroad sales on auto-pilot
Add account manager
Price Per Month



New Hypefury logoNew Hypefury logo
FeedHive LogoFeedHive Logo
Evergreen Tweets
Engagement Builder
Inspiration Tweets



Tweet Templates



Facebook Pages
TweetShots (Tweets to Instagram Images)
Automatic thread to LinkedIn Carousels
Automatic thread to Instagram Carousels
Automatic Thread Finisher
Run Gumroad sales on auto-pilot
Add account manager
Price Per Month



 (No credit card required. Just login with Twitter)

FeedHive Alternative: Hypefury

FeedHive is a great tool but it no longer supports native Twitter Integration. Here is why users are turning to Hypefury as an alternative

  • Taking content inspiration from 15+ niches
  • Posting consistently across all platforms
  • Growing as a creator on Twitter
  • Having a like-minded community
  • Monetizing your audience

Taking content inspiration from 15+ niches

Not a writer? Don’t worry, we help you with ideas and writing.

Hypefury has 15+ twitter niches to choose from – Coding, crypto, web3, writing, marketing, shitposts everything. We’ve handpicked the best tweets of each niche and assembled for you. All you need to do is – check them out, get inspired and write.

You also have 50+ tweet templates here and 100+ engaging questions – so you can fill up your queue on lazy days.

The real Twitter growth lies in viral threads. And what decides if your thread will go viral or not – your Thread hooks. You have 100+ viral thread hooks on your dashboard in a single click.

Everything is in front of you.

You can now write tweets and threads with minimal effort.

Tweet InspirationsTweet Inspirations

Posting consistently across all platforms

You can repurpose your tweets into a linkedin post and instagram carousels.

No need to click a screenshot, crop it and 10 other steps.

Just choose your layout and hypefury will turn your tweet into carousels and post it for you. You can also turn your tweets into linkedin posts in a single click.

With the same effort and time, grow on 3 platforms effortlessly.

Growing as a creator on Twitter

Hypefury is not for you if you’re just looking to post tweets once a week and be done with it.

But if you are a creator, serious to grow your audience and career opportunities – we’ll help you.

Have a newsletter?
Hypefury will auto plug your newsletter link beneath every viral tweet

Have a lead magnet?
You can have a viral giveaway with one click

Need consistency?
Join our free 90 day hypefury daily email series

We want to help you go from a noob to a pro creator with multiple platform audience and income sources.

Having a like-minded community

Twitter journey can be slow. And exhausting.

We have a FREE community of people like you who’re making their name on Twitter. We have assets and email courses, all for FREE to help you on every stop.

We host consistent spaces and webinars with top twitter celebs – to bring the best expertise to you

Not just a twitter growth tool, we bring the whole package of twitter wisdom and knowledge You don’t need to bang your head now.

Just grow, without consent.

Like-minded communityLike-minded community

Monetizing your audience

Hypefury makes you money with one click.

Have a digital product?
Integrate with Gumroad and do sales.

You can do scarcity sales for any product you have – we bring the automated marketing you so passionately hate :p

Want to promote your product consistently?
Add 20 tweets on your niche in a category in recurrent posts.

Then add specific auto plug of your product here.

So, every week, we’ll automatically post your niched tweets + your product promo – without any EXTRA effort.

Takes 30 mins to do all this, but could make you money for months.
Making automatic salesMaking automatic sales

 (No credit card required. Just login with Twitter)

Why People Love Hypefury

Hypefury is your personal assistant to grow on socials and monetize your audience. 

You can:

  • Create new content seamlessly
  • Grow your audience
  • Grow your email list
  • Sell more products

1. Get more email subscribers & more sales

Hypefury auto-comments your newsletter, course, website, below your tweets that do well. 

Autoplugs get our customers hundreds of new email subscribers and hundreds of thousands of dollars of sales, every single month.

2. Get more engagement without lifting a finger

Hypefury auto-comments your newsletter, course, website, below your tweets that do well. 

Autoplugs get our customers hundreds of new email subscribers and hundreds of thousands of dollars of sales, every single month.

3. Your tweets on Instagram. Without fiddling with screenshots

IG is a first-class platform on Hypefury. It can turn your tweets into an IG-optimized image.

  • Schedule IG content;
  • Schedule your tweets to be posted on IG;
  • Or reuse previous tweets as an IG image

4. Write once, distribute everywhere

With Hypefury there’s no need to re-write your content. You just write once and distribute across all your socials for you different audience to view.

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