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Frequently Asked Questions


Use the following information for Power BI and all the Power BI services and products

Q. Why does Microsoft encourage customers, partners, and users to send suggestions to the Power BI Ideas website?
A. Enabling users to send product ideas and suggestions through provides the following benefits:
  • Community members can send ideas and suggestions.
  • Community members can vote on features suggested by others, as well as supply comments to all ideas.
  • We want to hear your ideas. We will be celebrating your ideas that we deliver each release in the Power BI Community

Q. Why can I not log in?
A. On July 10, 2020, we are only supporting authentication by Azure Active Directory (work or school account). All other authentication providers (Google, Facebook, custom) will no longer be supported on

Q. Why do I need a tenant admin to sign in first?
A. Some organizations have policies in place to prevent users from supplying information to other domains. This will be a one-time effort that your organization’s tenant admin will need to perform.

Q. I submitted an idea, when will it be delivered?
A. The Power BI Team receives many ideas daily. We actively are reviewing ideas to see how we can align it to the roadmap. The more votes an idea receives, the more likely we will review it sooner. As per user feedback, we want to show you which ideas have been updated by our team. You will see this in the right side of the page.

Q. Searching is supplying confusing results.
A. Our search capability is Lucene based. For more accurate results, you should use a quotation marks around your search string.

Q. Can I see a list of product suggestions and ideas I have submitted?
A. Yes. To do this, sign in to and select “My Feedback” and you’ll see all your submissions.

Q. How can I vote on an idea?
A. First, locate the submission you have an opinion on. Click the Up arrow to vote for the idea. You are allowed to vote once for an idea.

Q. What happens to my product ideas and suggestions?
A. Your suggestion is delivered directly to the appropriate product development team based on the product line you specify. This process ensures that customers and partners can help shape how future versions of our software will work. During the planning phase, each product development team considers suggestions as possible new features for the next release. The more votes your idea

Q. How do I report product bugs or defects instead of product ideas and suggestions?
A. To report a bug or product defect, please contact Microsoft Product Support. Use the Power BI Ideas site only to submit product ideas and suggestions.

Q. What is the definition of Top, Hot and New Ideas?
A. Kindly refer to below defination
  • New Ideas: Most recently submitted ideas.
  • Top Ideas: Ideas with the greatest number of votes.
  • Hot Ideas: Ideas with the greatest number of vote in the last month.