wasd or arrow keys to move, left click to shoot


Theme is reusable so in this game you have to reuse the ball to kill enemies

Infinite Runner + Shooter + Platformer (although progress curve is slow so in the beginning it does not feel like a shoot em up, I did that because I feel like it would be too dificult for the player)


This game was made for the genre mash jam

I did not make the music, Music made by https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/

Font - https://www.fontspace.com/press-start-2p-font-f11591

Sounds are made with jfxr

Made in Godot 3.3.1 stable

Source Code - https://github.com/IonAir1/Genre-Mash-Jam


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This game teached me that you don't need fancy art to make a good game.. It's a very "simple" concept and still fun, I really like it, the only thing I didn't like was the enemy spawn rate, make it faster!

agree, it is too slow. I was too scared of making it too difficult lol

Made the exact thing in my game, but the inverse, was thinking I was making the game too easy, so I made the controls harder..