>btw for some reason turning off the music slows the game down just a hunch, are you on firefox? I see the strangest errors from the firefox JS engine.
>Try to catch all the far away flys and fail miserably and become depressed
>Temper expectations and go for the easy flys and before I know it im catching flys so far away I couldnt even imagine before hand, all without even noticing how much bigger and stronger I had become
Is this game a poetic way of saying people should start with small with games like pong, instead of jumping head first into making their overscoped dream game? Cause if so I feel personally attacked =P
I think I would actually play this if it was an incremental type game like tree strike
by far the pygmy frog was my favorite i love being fast and flying far
in fact i went so fast i fell into the flyless void
btw for some reason turning off the music slows the game down
>btw for some reason turning off the music slows the game down
just a hunch, are you on firefox? I see the strangest errors from the firefox JS engine.
yeah im on firefox
>Try to catch all the far away flys and fail miserably and become depressed
>Temper expectations and go for the easy flys and before I know it im catching flys so far away I couldnt even imagine before hand, all without even noticing how much bigger and stronger I had become
Is this game a poetic way of saying people should start with small with games like pong, instead of jumping head first into making their overscoped dream game? Cause if so I feel personally attacked =P
(Fun game by the way, got over 1,000,000 points)
Very pleasant meditative process
I felt my brain shutting down playing zen bullfrog and I loved it
Really cute and fun. Took me a second to get the hang of it, but when I did it became super satisfying to watch my score blow up.
I mostly played as the Bull frog and I got 150 points. It's simple and fun. The music is good and I like th smaller, but faster frogs.