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Bro got beef with steam for no reason lol, I have chronic migraines and steam hasn't caused a single one lol.


That's nice for you, but doesn't change anything about the facts surrounding the situation. Some people with epilepsy haven't had the Steam client trigger their issues either. Both conditions are highly variable in their triggers from one individual to the next, so it's normal for some people to have issues while others don't. I have migraines severe enough to have put me in hospital on several occasions, and had a little over a month where I only went 4 days *without* a migraine because of the issues (and those 4 days were the days I didn't launch Steam on my PC) before finding out there were people with concerns about it.

There have been half a dozen potential triggers for both conditions which have been confirmed to be present in the Steam client since the update, none of which had been present in older versions of the client, and all of which have been proven to be present without any room for dispute. Jsut because none of them happens to be a trigger which affects you personally, doesn't negate that they're a problem. I've personally never had issues with any other software on any electronic device at all prior to this, but the Steam client since the update has been the most consistent and most aggressive trigger I've found so far in over 20 years of dealing with migraines.

I'm glad you're not having problems, but don't try and pretend that means anything for the problem as a whole.


Holy yap, the only chronic thing u got is u being online my guy

I'm not understanding what it is about the Steam client that you say is causing your issues. I don't use Steam, so I am totally unfamiliar with this. Is it flashing light, or what exactly? Any other sources of information about this?

There have been multiple discussions about it in a lot of places, including the Steam forums. It's easy enough to Google "Steam client migraine epilepsy" and find a bunch of information about it. Here's where one of the Steam mods decided to bury the issue under the beta forum in spite of it being a problem with the current version of the client. It's got a lot of links to other discussions about the problem too:
Dozens of people posted publicly there and I know of a good number who avoided public discussion of the issue and just took it up privately with Steam support. There have been several people I know of who have provided direct proof of multiple problems, some more easily tested for and pinned down than others. Valve's response so far has included admitting they're aware of the problem but promising not to fix it, gaslighting users having issues, and violating the privacy rights of people affected by the problem.