This is a really clever idea. The art is good enough to support the premise, and I had fun trying to wire things up.
I think the 4th stage was somehow buggy for me. I kept trying to wire yellow blocks into grey blocks, and they would only sometimes make the number go up, seemingly kind of randomly.
On the design side, I found some of the UI confusing. It took me forever to realize I was supposed to clicks the points on the purple diamonds, even though you had a tutorial picture sort of demonstrating it. Maybe if you showed a whole block in the tutorial image instead of just the diamond, it would be clearer? And there's a lot of things that can be plugged into each other that do nothing. I tried plugging blue blocks into other blue block, purple blocks into grey blocks, etc. It's hard to know what combinations of blocks are allowed and what aren't.
But that's pretty small stuff, and I really enjoyed playing this game once I got the hang of. Thanks for making it!