I've downloaded 0.75.4 and I'm really excited about it! When you've got time, can you please upload it here too? I'm in Chapter 5, completed Stineford, Eustrin, freed Eustrin, completed the unchosen(that's what Rebellion calls them, don't know if they have a canon name) hunt and completed Aka and Iris' quests and I was about to do the first part of Janine's quest and the rest of the exploration that I can currently do sans Lustlord's Tower, Hilstara's quest and the Order of Silence basement when I decided to wait until the next public update(yay!) I love the changes to Stineford and Withering Mountain(it took me longer than I'll admit to figure out how to navigate the latter) and I really like the busts showing up in dialogue! ♥
You may already be aware of this, but I've noted several character's busts glitching and (I think) I found the cause? In the new busts folder in pictures, the character busts I've observed to glitch(eleven of them) and fifteen others have a strange black box somewhere on their portrait. Fuani's is the twelfth I noted, but in her case, one of her ears is clipping through the dialogue box. Also, may not be a bug, but while the other new party swap in skills are instantaneous and allowing another action with that character, Carina's Divine Intervention requires her turn to take effect. Ooh and I love the new skills and synergy skills I tested out!(I reloaded after, gonna wait and grab them later when I have Ginasta(and maybe Lilith, don't know if any of them apply to her) as I admit, I'm not sure how that works. If you grab them before Lustlord's Palace, does Ginasta join with her new abilities? Anyway, here are the screenshots of the glitches I was talking about: