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Thank you so much for the feedback and video!

When watching your video I noticed a couple things that actually weren't supposed to happen and am working on fixing them right now. The barrel that killed you being one of them. That debri in that area is actually all physics assets like the glass bottles and are meant to be grabbed and moved. I failed to ever explain that to players though so that's high on my priority list to fix right now.

I definitely have intentions to expand the environments in the game though too. I want to add a School setting, a playground setting, and a few others still but just couldn't fit those in to my 30 day deadline for the FFS Game Jam. Gameplay-wise though I'm leaning more into making it an atmospheric horror game that focuses on puzzles and storytelling so I'll take your input into consideration toward emphasizing those elements.

Thank you again for playing though and thank you for the honest feedback! :D


Will be looking forward to the finished product! :)