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Very classic Igavania style! I played through the whole thing. The thing that kept me going the most was finding new weapons. That said, it would have been nice to switch between them, rather than it having to be a full replacement. I kind of missed the spear after getting the next one. Maybe they could swap on the shoulder buttons or something similar feeling on keyboard.

I like the sound design, and the music (I even downloaded Genny VST to play around with myself).

The combat encounters I think could use the most work.

Skeleton of Infinity Knifes are rude and i do not like them much. But I realized they were pretty easy to tank. The wizards are just those, but this time they float and can shoot in more than one direction. I think there may be some ways to explore more memorable encounters beyond just, there are more things to fight now. In general, add an attack pattern to any enemy that can keep firing. Even if it's slightly randomized. Having a few attacks to dodge, then a change to get a hit in would be a big improvement. Could have a random roll for like 1 - 3 attacks, iterate a counter, then start an attack delay timer for a couple seconds.

The weapons, while nice to have a variety, did not feel super impactful when the health of the enemies scaled as well. I was taking out the large soldier type enemies in two hits with the spear, got the next weapon, and found the same enemy type was taking 3 hits.

I noticed there was slowdown when loading any of the rooms with lots of enemies, and the transition from one room to the next was near instant. Perhaps adding a short buffer with some fade in would be helpful to hide this. 

I was a bit confused at first by the stairs and slopes (I know, especially ironic after what I did in my game...) There were some sections that I could go down like they were slopes, but not up. But the height of each block made it seem like stairs.

I hope I have not piled on too many negatives, really its a group of small nitpicks. I think overall the game has a great unified feel to it, and lots of potential to grow into a great "love letter" of sorts to the Igarashi era castlevanias! If there was more content I absolutely would have kept playing way longer than I did, as I was definitely hooked on finding out what would come next! Great job overall!


OH, really weird bug I forgot to mention, but you should know about. I thought there might be a menu to switch weapons at first, so was pressing all the buttons on my ps4 controller. I noticed that for some reason the share button would restart the music and sometimes stop it, with it starting again on the next press. Not sure why that's happening, but thought you should know.

And about that glitch, the restart of the music is one i couldn't figure out, but the start/stop is a feature i forgot to mention on the game page and didn't add yet cause i don't know if changes to the page are allowed during judging period.

In short, since i realised that the music i made for this jam wasn't really all that greatand that this was also just this one track, i made a mute button with "M" and "select" on controller

so that people could turn it off if the loop got annoying after a while, so it's officially M to mute but probably more like M for mercy on people's ears XD


ahh, that explains it. Nice feature to have. But the music was good overall! 

Haha yeah i tried my best at having it close to an igavania but obviously can't reach that level :p

If i didn't lose as much time on trying to get the persistent items and such working (cause it was a first for me during this  jam) i probably would have had more weapon variety with more distinct mechanics between different types, and since i havan't made any inventory of any kind yet, i'm not sure if i could have acheived one in a jam context even though this would be the ideal system for this type of game, but i did consider at least a weapon swap to let players choose, but couldn't get to it cause of the previously mentioned lost time :(

Awesome to know, can't wait to hear what you'd make with it ^^ cause honestly my track for this jam doesn't do justice at all to all the awesome instruments it comes with like to site a few : the full sonic 3 instruments (including the voicesamples), shinobi instruments, Thunderforce guitars and all, and the Matt Furniss Terminator instruments. So in short awesome stuff :o

Combat is definitively not great, that i can't argue

haha and of course there are so far everyone's nemesis, the knife throwing skeletons now thanks to you with a fitting name XD  but jokes aside if i get time to work on a post jam version i'll fix those for sure and i'll try both lowering their firing rate and a proposed fix of them not attacking if the player crouches to have them approach on their own.

Weapons and health have their issue, although one i didn't catch untill feedback and looking back quickly myself is that some weapons apparently untintentionally multi hit, so that's why some of the stronger enemies melt down instantly with the spear and zerk sword so i'll have to see if i manage to understand why that is :p

For rooms i tried for once not to have fade transitions as i did in my past more linear entries, as i thought it could annoy people to have this every room change in a metroidvania but then again i could have them in to have the transition be less instant, optimisation wise, i don't know how i could fix this cause some of the more technical stuff like that i still have very little to no knowlege on ^^'

Haha and yeah ironic for the stairs right ? :p 

but again jokes aside i still haven't try slopes in the engine yet so everything is square tiles and square collision, i just shouldn't have made so much single tile angles as yeah they probably weren't all that fun to climb up :/

And no probelm dude, all negatives about the game are legit, glad despite all that it still came out as the homage it is trying to be XD

Thanks for stopping by and giving it a shot and all ^^


You're welcome, and if you continue I'd love to play more! I did slopes for the first time myself. At first I had an over-complicated separate stair node that I placed over stair shaped tiles. But what I found out is that when you are adding collision shapes to your tile sets in godot you can click to add a polygon collision.

All you need to do is click the top corner of your slope, the bottom from there, and across from that point, and it will automatically make a 45 degree angle slope collision in a triangle shape, and as long as your player movement code allows for sticking to slopes equal to or lower than 45 degrees, it will work. I suppose this would all be very dependent on what your base movement code is like, but the tileset builder allows for slope collision.

I also removed gravity application to the player while on the ground to allow for smooth movement, since I didn't want the player to go slower up slopes and faster down them.

Also very hype to make some genesis jams now. Thunderforce is not a name I have heard in a while but it was one of my faves on the console.