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The more i read your stuff the more i love it! I wish I could do more to help. And being able to talk with someone i've come to admire, to be honest, I may be a new fan but you kinda made a dream of mine come true! And I thank you for it. I really feel inspired and need to put pen to paper!


Hey, I'm glad to hear that! I hope your own work goes well! I'm rooting for ya!

Honestly, comments and good ratings on stuff really helps a lot. (Though, tips of course always help as well I understand that's not in everyone's range right now) My work doesn't see a ton of activity on any platform, so people just talking about via comments or telling friends is kind of huge for me. So, thank you for that!

(2 edits) (+1)

Mostly, and I think you know this, it's the fact that you don't go straight to sex for some, and others it is the sex weather its the activity or the BL aspect. But your character style is consistent in both personality and looks and the story has wonderful flow. Though you're not the only one that has issues with it. Laurell K. Hamilton, another favorite of mine writes with a multitude of styles together. Horror, murder mystery, romance, modern fantasy, all that in just a couple of series of books. Penguin books and Dark Horse comics picked up her stuff after many that turned her down! You have a following, for both art and story, (your brilliant in what I've seen of your stuff and I'm still looking for more of it<3) You will get to that star you're reaching for, please don't stop reaching for that star! And I'm sorry if mentioning another writer is bad form but she's a great example for what you are going through and I want you to keep hoping, because you started it even though you felt the odds against you and I admire your courage and the strength you had do do it in spite of what fear might have told you. Please forgive me if that seemed over done...πŸ˜…


LOL! You're good! I don't mind you bringing up other artist's as long as it's not to put them down-- b/c it always sucks to be complimented by someone when they're putting someone else down, which you're not doing! ^^ That's a very cool stuff!

But, my goal isn't to be published by anyone? :O I don't really have a star I'm reaching for: mostly I'm just trying to stay healthy so I can keep completing and releasing stories I wanna release. I sort of had that goal in the past (when I was much younger) but having a publisher comes with a ton of it's own problems and censorship and like, I just don't feel like I need it in this day and age where indie comic artists and game devs are so empowered (when compared to the past) to release our own work. All I really need is for more folks to look at my work and support it through where I have it and I'm good to go-- no publisher required. I don't even care if I'm in a book store because honestly you can get bigger by simply having someone who is popular on Youtube talk about it! We live in a very interesting time ^^9


That's cool, and you're right about the times as they are now. And I'll take releasing your stories as a goal! Lol, 😁 as a general rule of thumb I don't down writers. I either like them/they're so-so/ or not. I really talk about the ones I love, others  I'll kinda fall back on like old friends. Mostly the conversation is me giving a general lowdown of what the storyline is about in the hope of them getting curious. Though I'm currently not surrounded by those that would get my excitement about your work, that doesn't stop me in the hope of finding someone that I can share your work with. After all, I think I told you this before but your work has inspired a lot of things in me, and it's because your characters are so relatable and the feelings they have are just as well that I'm happy that I found that app Solanaceae: Another Time. Hmm that reminds me, I have an idea for Zeggy and Alky, it would be no more than a script as I don't have the artistic capability you do but was wondering if I sent it to you once it was completed if I could have your opinion/thoughts. I'll need to read their story again to get it just right and also does Alky have a favorite music type? He seems to be like a classic song kind of guy, maybe Alone by Heart? No specifics of course but it fits what I want to do. πŸ˜†


Well hey, maybe one of these days someone will make a server for folks who like my work-- but I do know I've seen a few people get together and talk about my stuff on Twitter. Just a few though! So, it is possible to find someone else who is excited, I'm sure!

You can send me the script if you like, but I'll also encourage you to share it on a site like Ao3 where it could potentially be read my other fans of my work! But also, if you have your own head canons and ideas for the characters, do be aware that it's not always the most fun to bring them straight to the source (or author, in this case) as what I know about the characters may counter what you think, and sometimes that just isn't fun for people. I believe in letting folks enjoy what they want and take what they want from my stories: and my ideas aren't always better or more fun for people just because I'm the originator (if that makes sense) I've def had people approach me, tell me they REALLY wanna know the "truth", I tell them, and they leave disappointed or they seem to loose interest. So! I tend to be rather hands off.

That said, I'll never say no to someone who wants to send me fan work because I really do like it, and I love fan fiction *especially*. I just wanna make sure you know that stuff as a forward because I don't want to interfere with someone's fun. ^^;

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I thought i had comminted but i guess not. I'll definitely look into that. Was my post deleted? Im sorry i got to personal. As someone else that works on writing i just wish to have more perspective. 🀐 what influences your stories? The Γ— stuff is easy to look up, does the rest just come off the top, or is some deep thinking come? Or do you pull from your life interactions? You see I wonder because just yesterday I got inspired by a rose I found at my workplace. About an English lord that refuses to live as his station receiving roses from a random stranger,  and he eventually finds out who. And so I'm curious if others get inspired but randomness like that. Lol


Er, I thought I already answered this question via an e-mail with you? Or am I thinking of someone else?

(2 edits) (+1)

No your right, for some reason i thought id asked it a different way before my bad. lol. Sorry I remembered it differently for some reasonπŸ˜… I read faster than I comprehend sometimes πŸ˜‘πŸ˜